Rates of silicone breast implant placement are on the rise

Tag Archives: breast augmentation

Recently published statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons says the number of women undergoing “augmentation mammaplasty” rose 39 percent between 2000 and 2010, when more than 296,000 American women underwent the procedure. Not only does the number of women seeking the procedure seem to have increased, but also it seems as though many more patients are seeking bigger implants. A big reason for this is the increasing acceptance of the safety of silicone gel implants; with these implants, large cup sizes are achievable while still maintaining a natural looking result.

Obviously, there’s an upper limit to what appears natural and what the breast ligaments can support. Still, in most patients, a 2 or 3-cup size increase, if desired, if possible.

To learn more about breast augmentation or silicone breast implants, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s offices in Dallas or Plano at 214-827-2814.

It is not uncommon for many patients to ask me whether they can avoid the scars associated with a breast lift by simply placing a really big breast implant.  This notion may have been placed in their mind by other surgeons, or by information that they have picked up from the Internet.

I certainly understand the motivation behind this question.  I have never had a patient come to my office requesting more scars than necessary for surgery.  Ultimately, people want to avoid scars on their breasts, and I am no different in this regard.

However, only a very minor breast lift can be accomplished with a breast implant.  There are surgeons out there, many of who are not plastic surgeons and do not have specific training or experience with breast lifts, who will attempt to place an overly large breast implant into the patient’s breast rather than perform a breast lift.  Not only can this give patients larger breasts than they want, but it can cause long-term negative consequences on the breast tissue and breast-supporting ligaments.  It is in these situations that long-term complications such as implant malposition (the implant sliding down too far) are more likely to happen.

Ultimately, my goals for the patient always remain the same.  First, it is important that the patient have a nice breast shape and size.  This differs from patient to patient, but it is important for me and the patient to come to a mutual understanding of this prior to surgery.  Two, if a breast lift is needed, I want to do it with the fewest number of scars possible, as well as the most aesthetically pleasing scars as possible,.

If you have more questions about breast implants and breast lift surgery, do not hesitate to contact me at 214-827-2814.

It is common for patients to negotiate an appropriate level of activity after undergoing tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction, or any other combination of surgeries that make up a Dallas mommy makeover.  The thought is, if they can convince me that they need less time to recover than other patients, somehow the surgery will be lessened in magnitude, or that they will be able to recover more quickly after the procedure.

Childbirth takes a dramatic toll on the female body.  To reverse those changes with a mommy makeover, significant surgery is involved.  With a Dallas tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), in addition to removing skin, extensive sculpting of the waist and upper abdomen is performed with liposuction, and the muscles of the abdominal wall are significantly tightened.  Undue straining for a period of time after surgery can disrupt the sutures, and lead to a less then desirable postoperative result.  In addition, straining after surgery can cause problems with wound disruption and bleeding, not to mention prolonged swelling in the abdomen, breasts, and lower extremities.

I usually recommend that my patients take 1-2 weeks off of work after surgery.  Some patients will take less time and others more, depending on the level of physical exertion required at their work place.  I also strongly advise my patients to refrain from any vigorous exercise for 6-8 weeks after surgery.  Although it is important to walk almost immediately after surgery to prevent blood clots and respiratory problems, too much activity can lead to infection, bleeding, and wound healing problems.

Ultimately, to get the best result after mommy makeover, a patient has to allow herself the appropriate amount of time to recover.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Capsular contracture can be a relatively common complication after placement of silicone breast implants or saline breast implants. Scar tissue normally forms around breast implants in all circumstances. In some cases, over time, it can tighten and compress the implant, making it feel firm and painful, causing what is called a capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is more common following infection, hematoma, or seroma, and the chance of it happening may increase over time. It occurs more commonly in revision breast augmentation than in primary breast augmentation.

Capsular contracture is also a risk factor for implant rupture, and is the most common reason for re-operation after breast implant placement. Symptoms of capsular contracture can range from just mild firmness and discomfort, to severe pain, distorted appearance of the breast, and the ability to feel the implant. It is classified into 4 levels, depending on its severity:

Baker Grade I: The breast is soft, and looks natural.

Baker Grade II: The breast is a little bit more firm, but looks normal.

Baker Grade III: The breast is firm and looks abnormal.

Baker Grade IV: The breast is hard, painful, and looks abnormal.

The data for both silicone and saline breast implants says that about 1 in 6 women will develop a severe capsular contracture, either grade III or IV, through 7 years after breast implant placement. For women receiving revision breast augmentation, this risk increased to about 1 in 5. When pain and firmness or abnormal appearance is particularly severe, additional surgery may be required. This usually requires removal of the breast implant capsule and replacement of the breast implant.

Should you be developing firmness, hardness, or distorted appearance after your breast implant placement, you may have a capsular contracture. To learn more about this condition, please contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814, at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute.

Many patients complain of changes in nipple and breast sensation immediately after breast augmentation. It is common for patients to complain that the breasts have diminished sensation, and, in rare situations, are hypersensitive.

The good news is that the changes in sensation, in most cases, are temporary. It can take several months to a year for the changes in sensation to resolve, but they do almost always improve. There is a slightly greater chance of nipple numbness with a periareolar incision; this is an incision around the areola, which is the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple. Even with this incision, most patients tend to regain normal sensation.

Should you have any questions regarding this, breast augmentation or breast implant surgery, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Many patients complain of changes in nipple and breast sensation immediately after breast augmentation.  It is common for patients to complain that the breasts have a dull sensation, and, in rare situations, are hypersensitive.

The good news is that the changes in sensation, in most cases, are temporary.  It can take several months for the changes in sensation to resolve, but they do almost always improve.  There is a slightly greater chance of nipple numbness with an incision around the areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple) than with other incisions.

Should you have any questions regarding this or breast implant surgery, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

There are many advertisements on the internet for “awake breast augmentation”. Many of the surgeons that offer this procedure are not truly board certified plastic surgeons, and thus do not have privileges to perform breast augmentation or breast implant placement at an accredited surgical facility. For that reason, their only recourse is to perform the procedure in their office without general anesthesia.

Make sure that your provider is a board certified plastic surgeon. The process to achieve accreditation by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is quite rigorous, and you can be assured that a surgeon that has achieved these credentials has the necessary expertise and training to perform this operation. A variety of other doctors who have not achieved this presentation, may not even be plastic surgeons.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814. Dr. Jejurikar is accredited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Patients are obviously interested in knowing the likelihood of their saline breast implants or silicone breast implants rupturing. Although breast implants can remain intact for decades, all mechanical devices will fail at some point. When saline breast implants rupture, they deflate rapidly; rupture is usually easily detectable clinically. Studies of Allergan (Natrelle) saline breast implants showed rupture/deflation rates of 3–5% at three years and 7–10% at 10 years.

When silicone breast implants rupture they rarely deflate, and the silicone from the implant can leak out into the space around the implant over many years. It is often difficult to detect a rupture clinically. For that reason, the FDA recommends that patients undergo a screening MRI to look for rupture 3 years after placement of silicone breast implants, and then every 2 years thereafter. Rupture rates are thought to be similar between silicone and saline breast implants. It is reasonable to estimate the risk at approximately 1% per year.

Should you have more questions regarding breast implants or breast augmentation, contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Many patients ask me if their breast implants have any type of warranty. The answer is yes. Here are the details of Allergan’s ConfidencePlus® breast implant warranty program:

  • Lifetime Product Replacement – regardless of the age of the implant, Allergan provides product replacement in the event of a deflation or rupture
  • 10 years of guaranteed financial assistance
  • Up to $1200 in out-of-pocket expenses for surgical fees, operating room and anesthesia expenses not covered by insurance
  • Silicone filled and saline filled breast implants covered

If you’d like more information on breast augmentation in Dallas or Plano, or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.



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9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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