Rates of silicone breast implant placement are on the rise

Tag Archives: Plano

Recently published statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons says the number of women undergoing “augmentation mammaplasty” rose 39 percent between 2000 and 2010, when more than 296,000 American women underwent the procedure. Not only does the number of women seeking the procedure seem to have increased, but also it seems as though many more patients are seeking bigger implants. A big reason for this is the increasing acceptance of the safety of silicone gel implants; with these implants, large cup sizes are achievable while still maintaining a natural looking result.

Obviously, there’s an upper limit to what appears natural and what the breast ligaments can support. Still, in most patients, a 2 or 3-cup size increase, if desired, if possible.

To learn more about breast augmentation or silicone breast implants, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s offices in Dallas or Plano at 214-827-2814.

It is not uncommon for many patients to ask me whether they can avoid the scars associated with a breast lift by simply placing a really big breast implant.  This notion may have been placed in their mind by other surgeons, or by information that they have picked up from the Internet.

I certainly understand the motivation behind this question.  I have never had a patient come to my office requesting more scars than necessary for surgery.  Ultimately, people want to avoid scars on their breasts, and I am no different in this regard.

However, only a very minor breast lift can be accomplished with a breast implant.  There are surgeons out there, many of who are not plastic surgeons and do not have specific training or experience with breast lifts, who will attempt to place an overly large breast implant into the patient’s breast rather than perform a breast lift.  Not only can this give patients larger breasts than they want, but it can cause long-term negative consequences on the breast tissue and breast-supporting ligaments.  It is in these situations that long-term complications such as implant malposition (the implant sliding down too far) are more likely to happen.

Ultimately, my goals for the patient always remain the same.  First, it is important that the patient have a nice breast shape and size.  This differs from patient to patient, but it is important for me and the patient to come to a mutual understanding of this prior to surgery.  Two, if a breast lift is needed, I want to do it with the fewest number of scars possible, as well as the most aesthetically pleasing scars as possible,.

If you have more questions about breast implants and breast lift surgery, do not hesitate to contact me at 214-827-2814.

In most cases, when I perform breast augmentation, I place the breast implant, whether it is a saline breast implant or a silicone breast implant, behind the chest wall muscle.  There are many reasons for this.  The first is that the chest wall muscle (pectoralis major), actually serves as camouflage for the breast implant.  Some of the visible rippling that can be seen, particularly with saline breast implants, tends to be obscured to some degree with coverage by the pectoralis major muscle.  The second reason to put the implant behind the muscle is that it interferes with screening mammography much less.  There is good data from the radiology medical literature that demonstrates that placement of breast implants in front of the chest wall muscle can obscure a substantial amount of the breast field on mammogram.  The third reason is that traditional data with silicone and saline implants shows that the rate of capsular contracture, or pathologic scar tissue formation, is much higher when the implants are put in front the chest wall muscle as compared to behind it.

There are a few anatomic conditions in which aesthetic outcomes are improved when the implant is placed in front of the chest wall muscle.  Careful examination and discussion with my patients are important in these situations to determine what will be best.

If you have any other questions regarding this or breast augmentation in Dallas and Plano, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 214-827-2814.

Restylane is a hyaluronic acid filler, which is commonly used, in noninvasive cosmetic procedures.  Hyaluronic acid is one of the most common components of human skin.  Filling agents utilizing hyaluronic acid therefore feel natural with virtually no allergic reactions.

Restylane is the one of the most frequently used fillers and is commonly used as to augment lips.  Medicis, the company that distributes Restylane, recently made some improvements to the product. First, they have introduced a larger (2 mls) syringe, which can allow patients wanting significant lip augmentation to do so at a lesser cost. Second, the company has introduced Restylane with lidocaine, which is a local anesthetic designed to limit patient discomfort during the procedure.

Other than bruising and minimal discomfort with the procedure, there are minimal side effects with Restylane lip augmentation.  The results typically last from 6-12 months.

To learn more about noninvasive lip augmentation, including its risks and recovery, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute or at Legacy Medical Village in Plano at 214-827-2814.

Many patients who have lost massive amounts of weight come to the office inquiring about panniculectomy. They have been told by their friends or by other physicians that it is an equivalent operation to tummy tuck (abdominoplasty).

Panniculectomy does have some pleasing effects, but it is not the same thing as an abdominoplasty. With a tummy tuck, the excessive skin of the abdominal wall is removed, the belly button is reshaped, and the abdominal wall is tightened extensively. Oftentimes, liposuction is also performed with this to help provide the patient with a narrower waistline and a more pleasing figure.

Panniculectomy is a functional operation. Specifically, excessive skin located below the belly button is removed as a wedge resection. There is no significant undermining of the skin above the belly button, so patients are still left with a significant amount of redundant skin after this operation. In addition, the belly button is not reshaped, the abdominal wall is not re-tightened, and no liposuction is performed.

Both operations have significant uses, and there is a place for both, but it is important that patients understand the key differences between these procedures.

Should you have any questions about body contouring procedures, contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Zeltiq and Zerona are two recently approved nonsurgical treatments for fat removal. We are proud to offer Zeltiq at EpiCentre in both Dallas and Plano. Zeltiq is excellent for selective removal of fat from the abdominal wall, flanks, and back. It utilizes a process known as cryolipolysis, which freezes fat. Patients can expect to see a reduction of up to 30%-40% of their fat over the span of a few months.

The upsides of Zeltiq are that it is a nonsurgical procedure and patients can leave without significant pain, bruising, or discomfort. For each site treated, the procedure takes 1 hour. The amount of fat that can be removed with Zeltiq, however, is far less than can be removed with liposuction. However, liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure, and patients need to consider this when choosing between Zeltiq and liposuction.

Should you have any questions regarding Zeltiq, liposuction, or any other form of body contouring surgery, please contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed for men and women. One of the most common complaints patients have is of a bump on the top of the nose. This is known as a dorsal hump.

When the dorsal hump is the only cosmetic concern, closed rhinoplasty can be easily performed to correct this. In this form of rhinoplasty, incisions are made only within the nostrils. This means no visible scars and less postoperative swelling. A fine instrument is used to shave the excess cartilage and bone of the nose, leading to a more pleasing profile and nasal appearance.

Should you have any questions regarding rhinoplasty or any other facial cosmetic procedure, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Brow lifts can be a very rewarding procedure for many patients. Not only can the brow position be reshaped, but prominent furrows of the central forehead (frown lines) can be improved for many patients. Although the final results can be quite pleasing, the operation does have significant down time associated with it, and many patients simply do not have the time to recover from it.

Treatment with either Botox or Dysport can be used as a chemical brow lift in many cases. Not only can this be used to reduce wrinkles of the central forehead, as well as frown lines, but the outer portion of the brow can also be elevated mildly with Botox. This can lead to a more youthful appearance around the brows and eyes, and avoid the need for aggressive surgery.

The only real downside to these treatments is that they must be repeated every 3-4 months. However, the procedure can generally be performed relatively quickly, in 10-15 minutes.

Should you have any questions regarding brow lift, Botox, or Dysport treatment at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Virtually no patient comes to the office requesting a long scar. In fact, this is the major draw back to abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery for most patients.

Although the scar cannot be eliminated with this operation, Dr. Jejurikar’s goal is to place it in as cosmetically acceptable position as possible. He asks his patients to wear either a bathing suit bottom or an undergarment they would like to be able to wear after surgery, and makes every attempt to design the incision to fall in this location. In addition, he attempts to close the scar as meticulously as possible, leading to as fine a scar as possible. Even with this, in some cases, the scars heal thicker and wider than desired. In these cases, topical medications or corticosteroid injections may be needed to improve the scar. In rare cases, a scar revision in which the scar is excised is required. In some patients, scarring must be treated aggressively for several months to 2 years after the procedure.

Should you have any questions regarding abdominoplasty, the location of the incisions, or scarring, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Many patients come to the office inquiring about mini tummy tucks.  The rationale behind this is quite clear.  They would like a smaller scar, and believe that there is very little difference between a mini tummy tuck and a standard tummy tuck.

There are key differences between the operations.  In a mini tummy tuck, there is very little separation of the skin from the abdominal wall muscles, meaning that less skin can be removed.  In addition, there is usually no tightening of the abdominal wall muscles, particularly in the abdominal wall above the belly button.  Therefore, if a patient has upper abdominal bulging or fullness, a mini tummy tuck doesn’t correct it.  Finally, there is no reshaping of the belly button with a mini tummy tuck.

An advantage of a mini tummy tuck, however, is that, given there is less lifting of the skin from the abdominal wall muscle, liposuction of the entire abdominal wall and flanks can be performed much more extensively and much more safely.  This is because there is less chance of wound healing complications.

Ultimately, mini tummy tucks are best for women that have undergone pregnancy and have only small lower abdominal pooches and only minimal to moderate changes to their abdominal wall.  It also can be good for men who have lost large amounts of weight.  For women that have bulging of the upper and lower abdomen with significant excessive skin and stretch marks, a full tummy tuck is almost always a better option.

Should you have additional questions, contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.



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9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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