An Alternative To Brow Lift Surgery – Botox and Dysport at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

Tag Archives: dr. jejurikar

Brow lifts can be a very rewarding procedure for many patients. Not only can the brow position be reshaped, but prominent furrows of the central forehead (frown lines) can be improved for many patients. Although the final results can be quite pleasing, the operation does have significant down time associated with it, and many patients simply do not have the time to recover from it.

Treatment with either Botox or Dysport can be used as a chemical brow lift in many cases. Not only can this be used to reduce wrinkles of the central forehead, as well as frown lines, but the outer portion of the brow can also be elevated mildly with Botox. This can lead to a more youthful appearance around the brows and eyes, and avoid the need for aggressive surgery.

The only real downside to these treatments is that they must be repeated every 3-4 months. However, the procedure can generally be performed relatively quickly, in 10-15 minutes.

Should you have any questions regarding brow lift, Botox, or Dysport treatment at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Many patients complain of changes in nipple and breast sensation immediately after breast augmentation.  It is common for patients to complain that the breasts have a dull sensation, and, in rare situations, are hypersensitive.

The good news is that the changes in sensation, in most cases, are temporary.  It can take several months for the changes in sensation to resolve, but they do almost always improve.  There is a slightly greater chance of nipple numbness with an incision around the areola (pigmented skin surrounding the nipple) than with other incisions.

Should you have any questions regarding this or breast implant surgery, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

After virtually all types of liposuction, patients are asked to wear compression garments.  The rationale for this is that it helps the swelling improve faster after surgery, thereby allowing realization of the postoperative result faster.  In addition, in many areas of the body, compressive garments actually help the skin’s natural elastic properties work better, and can actually promote better skin re-contouring.  This is particularly true in the chin and arms.

Most patients are more than anxious to get out of their compressive garment, as they complain about getting hot and sweaty, particularly during the summer months.  Nonetheless, failure to wear the compressive garments can affect the final postoperative results adversely.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Many patients come to the office inquiring about mini tummy tucks.  The rationale behind this is quite clear.  They would like a smaller scar, and believe that there is very little difference between a mini tummy tuck and a standard tummy tuck.

There are key differences between the operations.  In a mini tummy tuck, there is very little separation of the skin from the abdominal wall muscles, meaning that less skin can be removed.  In addition, there is usually no tightening of the abdominal wall muscles, particularly in the abdominal wall above the belly button.  Therefore, if a patient has upper abdominal bulging or fullness, a mini tummy tuck doesn’t correct it.  Finally, there is no reshaping of the belly button with a mini tummy tuck.

An advantage of a mini tummy tuck, however, is that, given there is less lifting of the skin from the abdominal wall muscle, liposuction of the entire abdominal wall and flanks can be performed much more extensively and much more safely.  This is because there is less chance of wound healing complications.

Ultimately, mini tummy tucks are best for women that have undergone pregnancy and have only small lower abdominal pooches and only minimal to moderate changes to their abdominal wall.  It also can be good for men who have lost large amounts of weight.  For women that have bulging of the upper and lower abdomen with significant excessive skin and stretch marks, a full tummy tuck is almost always a better option.

Should you have additional questions, contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Juvéderm is a hyaluronic acid filler which is commonly used in cosmetic surgery procedures.  Hyaluronic acid, after collagen, is the next most common component of human skin.  Filling agents utilizing hyaluronic acid therefore feel natural with virtually no allergic reactions.

Juvéderm is the most frequently used dermal filler and is commonly used as a lip plumper.  Patients receive topical anesthesia with numbing ointment placed over their lips. In some cases, Dr. Jejurikar augments this with a series of lidocaine injections within the mouth to completely numb the lower one-third of the face.  Juvederm is then injected directly into the lips over a span of 10-15 minutes, creating full, plump lips immediately..

Other than bruising and minimal discomfort with the procedure, there are virtually no side effects with Juvederm lip augmentation.  The results typically last from 6-12 months.

If you would like more information about this procedure, contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

There are many advertisements on the internet for “awake breast augmentation”. Many of the surgeons that offer this procedure are not truly board certified plastic surgeons, and thus do not have privileges to perform breast augmentation or breast implant placement at an accredited surgical facility. For that reason, their only recourse is to perform the procedure in their office without general anesthesia.

Make sure that your provider is a board certified plastic surgeon. The process to achieve accreditation by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is quite rigorous, and you can be assured that a surgeon that has achieved these credentials has the necessary expertise and training to perform this operation. A variety of other doctors who have not achieved this presentation, may not even be plastic surgeons.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814. Dr. Jejurikar is accredited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Many patients ask if their muscles truly need to be tightened during a tummy tuck.  For most patients, the answer is yes.  After pregnancy or massive weight loss, many women develop a condition known as rectus diastasis.  With this condition, the midline vertical muscles that extend from the sternum and rib cage to the pubic bone, known as the rectus abdominis muscle, separate in the midline.  This leaves a gap that was not present before pregnancy or weight loss.  The gap is not indicative of muscle weakness, but it does lead to an abnormal bulge in the upper abdomen.  As well, it can contribute to an overhanging skin apron in the lower abdomen.

Because this is not indicative of muscle weakness, performing abdominal wall exercises to strengthen the rectus muscles do not considerably improve this.  The only true way to fix the abdominal bulging is to tighten these muscles by bringing them back together in the midline.  As of now, this can only be accomplished with surgery, with the placement of multiple sutures to restore the overall integrity of the abdominal wall.

Obviously, removal of skin and reshaping the belly button are also integral portions of an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).  For most patients, however, failure to tighten the muscles of the midline abdominal wall would lead to less than optimal results.

For additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar via the web or via telephone at 214-827-2814.

The terms “closed rhinoplasty” and “open rhinoplasty” are thrown around frequently by plastic surgeons.  The difference between these two operations is actually quite small.  In an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the columella (base of the nose) and extended into the nostrils.  In a closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made just within the nostrils.  This is sometimes also called an endonasal rhinoplasty.  Thus, the only real difference between these operations is the presence of a very small scar across the base of the nose.

So, what are the implications for patients?  First, with an open rhinoplasty, visibility of the cartilaginous and bony portions of the nose is much improved.  This oftentimes allows surgeons to perform substantially more intricate work to the tip and base of the nose.  Because there is such greater visualization, and the skin is lifted much more during this procedure, swelling tends to be worse after this procedure and it can take longer to achieve the final result

The scar at the base of the nose tends to be forgiving and, in most patients, tends to fade considerably over time, to the point of being virtually unnoticeable.

Should you have any other questions regarding rhinoplasty, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Patients are obviously interested in knowing the likelihood of their saline breast implants or silicone breast implants rupturing. Although breast implants can remain intact for decades, all mechanical devices will fail at some point. When saline breast implants rupture, they deflate rapidly; rupture is usually easily detectable clinically. Studies of Allergan (Natrelle) saline breast implants showed rupture/deflation rates of 3–5% at three years and 7–10% at 10 years.

When silicone breast implants rupture they rarely deflate, and the silicone from the implant can leak out into the space around the implant over many years. It is often difficult to detect a rupture clinically. For that reason, the FDA recommends that patients undergo a screening MRI to look for rupture 3 years after placement of silicone breast implants, and then every 2 years thereafter. Rupture rates are thought to be similar between silicone and saline breast implants. It is reasonable to estimate the risk at approximately 1% per year.

Should you have more questions regarding breast implants or breast augmentation, contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Many patients have asked me about precautions I take to prevent infection in my cosmetic surgery patients.  As everyone knows, cosmetic surgery is completely elective; infections after any surgical procedure can cause significant complications.  It is therefore imperative to minimize the risks of infection.

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly referred to as MRSA, is becoming more prevalent in the community.  Several years ago, this antibiotic resistant bacterium was present only in hospitals.  Many healthy people are now colonized with MRSA. It can cause significant problems with delayed postoperative wound complications and infection.  For that reason, I routinely screen my patients for bacterial colonization with MRSA before any type of cosmetic surgery procedure.  Screening is done by performing a simple nasal swab and determining whether any resistant Staphylococcus aureus grows.

If patients have positive cultures, there is a simple decolonization protocol that is performed to reduce their risks of postoperative infection with MRSA. For five days, patients are asked to cleanse their body with 4% chlorhexidine solution.  It is applied in the shower every day, with care taken to focus on the underarms, groin, and into any folds of skin.  The antiseptic soap needs to remain on the skin for at least 5 minutes before it is washed off.  In addition, patients are asked to apply 2% Mupirocin (Bactroban) antibiotic nasal ointment inside the nostrils 3 times a day.

After this protocol, most patients have been effectively decolonized and can safely proceed with cosmetic surgery.

Should you have more questions regarding this or other cosmetic surgery procedure, contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.



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9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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