“Tickle” Liposuction Offered at Plano Office – Legacy Plastic Surgery Institute at Legacy Medical Village

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Awake liposuction is now available for patients at the Legacy Plastic Surgery Institute, the home of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute in west Plano. Tickle liposuction involves utilizing a European system known as Vibroliposuction. This involves using a small cannula, which utilizes nutational movements to cause very little trauma and pain during the procedure, allowing for it to be performed while awake.

While it is a misnomer to think that this is not an invasive surgical procedure, it can be performed with patients being awake quite comfortably. Patients can expect to have between 2.0-2.5 liters of fat removed from the abdomen utilizing this system. The most commonly treated areas for this include the abdomen, love handles, thighs, and arms.

If you would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Botox has recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of migraine headaches. The specific patients approved by the FDA suffer from severe headaches at least 15 days per month. Many patients have been using Botox for treatment of headaches for several years as an off-label use, and have found tremendous benefit.

Botox works by blocking nerve signals to muscles, paralyzing muscles that can cause headaches. Often times 20-30 injections are required in the forehead, temples, and neck. The treatments can provide up to 3-4 months of relief from nagging and painful headaches.

If you would like additional information, please contact Dr. Jejurikar at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute.


We made it back from our medical mission to Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, which is an underserved, poverty-stricken region of the world. Between three attending surgeons, we performed 47 operations, most of which were cleft lip repairs. Over 80% of Bangladesh’s population earns less than $2/day; not surprisingly, much of the population lives in conditions unimaginable to those of residing in the United States.

Discover Dallas Best Plastic Surgeon | Sam Jejurikar MD

I traveled with the organization Smile Bangladesh, which is led by Dr. Shahid Aziz. I hope to make many more trips with this organization over the next several years. For more information, visit Smile Bangladesh’s website at http://smilebangladesh.org

Many patients complain of changes in nipple and breast sensation immediately after breast augmentation. It is common for patients to complain that the breasts have diminished sensation, and, in rare situations, are hypersensitive.

The good news is that the changes in sensation, in most cases, are temporary. It can take several months to a year for the changes in sensation to resolve, but they do almost always improve. There is a slightly greater chance of nipple numbness with a periareolar incision; this is an incision around the areola, which is the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple. Even with this incision, most patients tend to regain normal sensation.

Should you have any questions regarding this, breast augmentation or breast implant surgery, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Many patients who have lost massive amounts of weight come to the office inquiring about panniculectomy. They have been told by their friends or by other physicians that it is an equivalent operation to tummy tuck (abdominoplasty).

Panniculectomy does have some pleasing effects, but it is not the same thing as an abdominoplasty. With a tummy tuck, the excessive skin of the abdominal wall is removed, the belly button is reshaped, and the abdominal wall is tightened extensively. Oftentimes, liposuction is also performed with this to help provide the patient with a narrower waistline and a more pleasing figure.

Panniculectomy is a functional operation. Specifically, excessive skin located below the belly button is removed as a wedge resection. There is no significant undermining of the skin above the belly button, so patients are still left with a significant amount of redundant skin after this operation. In addition, the belly button is not reshaped, the abdominal wall is not re-tightened, and no liposuction is performed.

Both operations have significant uses, and there is a place for both, but it is important that patients understand the key differences between these procedures.

Should you have any questions about body contouring procedures, contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Gynecomastia (male breast development) is very common condition in young adolescent males. It can be present in up to 40% of young males at the age of 14. Usually, it will have resolved in 75% of these teenagers by the age of 16, and in 90% by the age of 17.

Although relatively common, gynecomastia should still be evaluated by a patient’s pediatrician. Rarely, it can be associated with certain genetic disorders and metabolic disorders. Much more commonly, it represents a cosmetic deformity, and can be a source of social embarrassment for young men.

If there is no sign of regression by the age of 15 or 16, it is very likely that gynecomastia will not completely recede. If the breast has not changed for a period of several months, it is certainly reasonable to seek consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine whether or not the young adolescent is an appropriate candidate for surgery. In most patients, this can be effectively treated with ultrasound-assisted liposuction, though there are a few circumstances in which larger incisions need to be made. If there are any signs of regression, the best bet is to continue to wait to avoid unnecessary surgery.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. His office telephone umber is 214-827-2814.

Allergan introduced Juvederm XC several months ago. It combines the traditional hyaluronic acid filler Juvéderm with 0.3% lidocaine. Because of the even mixture of the lidocaine into the filling agent, it provides a much less painful experience for patients than traditional forms of Juvéderm or Restylane.

Pricing is similar to that of standard Juvéderm,. It is an effective treatment for improvement of the lower eyelids and tear troughs, nasolabial folds (marionette lines), and augmentation of the lips.

Should you have any questions regarding this or any other dermal filler, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Zeltiq and Zerona are two recently approved nonsurgical treatments for fat removal. We are proud to offer Zeltiq at EpiCentre in both Dallas and Plano. Zeltiq is excellent for selective removal of fat from the abdominal wall, flanks, and back. It utilizes a process known as cryolipolysis, which freezes fat. Patients can expect to see a reduction of up to 30%-40% of their fat over the span of a few months.

The upsides of Zeltiq are that it is a nonsurgical procedure and patients can leave without significant pain, bruising, or discomfort. For each site treated, the procedure takes 1 hour. The amount of fat that can be removed with Zeltiq, however, is far less than can be removed with liposuction. However, liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure, and patients need to consider this when choosing between Zeltiq and liposuction.

Should you have any questions regarding Zeltiq, liposuction, or any other form of body contouring surgery, please contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

Upper lid blepharoplasty, otherwise known as upper eyelid lift, is one of the most popular facial surgical procedures performed by Dr. Jejurikar. When patients complain that their eyes make them look tired, an upper lid blepharoplasty may be used to create a more refreshed look. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty involves removing skin, as well as oftentimes muscle and fat, from the upper eyelid to eliminate heavy and sagging skin.

An important thing to determine is whether or not the sagging skin of the upper eyelid is truly the result of extra skin of the upper eyelid, or if it is the result of a sagging brow. Sometimes, droopy brows can create a heavy and tired appearance of the upper eyelids. If elevation of the brow helps correct the tired appearance, it is very possible that a brow lift may be necessary, either by itself or in combination with an upper eyelid lift.

Upper eyelid lift alone is a relatively straight forward procedure with minimal pain. It is very common for patients to have significant bruising and swelling for 7-14 days after the procedure. The utilization of over-the-counter supplements to reduce bruising can sometimes reduce this, as can the use of camouflage makeup. The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia, depending on the extensiveness of the procedure and patient preference.

Should you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.



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9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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