Dallas Surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar: How to get Rid of Male Gynecomastia

Dallas Surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar: How to get Rid of Male Gynecomastia

Fans of classic sitcoms might still be amused by the Season 6 Seinfeld episode in which Frank Costanza and Cosmo Kramer debate the dubious marketing merits of naming their prototype of a bra for men the bro or the manssiere. However, as Dallas cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar can tell you, for men who suffer from gynecomastia — the abnormal development of nonmalignant breast tissue — the condition is no laughing matter.

The word gynecomastia — Greek for “woman breast” — was introduced in the second century by the notable Greek physician, surgeon, and philosopher Galen. The condition is characterized by the development of excess localized fat, excess glandular tissue, and sometimes, excess skin in one or both breasts. The first surgical attempt to alleviate the condition is thought to have been performed by seventh-century Byzantine physician Paulus of Aegineta — known for his pioneering work in the field as “the father of cosmetic surgery” — who describes the procedure in the sixth volume of his groundbreaking encyclopedia, Medical Compendium in Seven Books.

While we’re worlds away from the cosmetic procedures performed in ancient times, Dr. Jejurikar acknowledges the problem of overabundant male breast tissue hasn’t gone away, and he adds that with the advent of increasingly advanced surgical techniques in recent years, the demand for male Gynecomastia (breast reduction) has been on the rise. In a Feb. 25, 2016, report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was revealed male breast reductions accounted for more than 40% of all breast-reduction surgeries in the U.S. According to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Data Bank figures, there were 28,689 male breast-reduction procedures performed nationwide in 2021.

The Causes of Male Gynecomastia: Nature or Nurture?

The generally accepted cause of male gynecomastia is an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen linked to an oversensitivity of androgen receptors in male breast tissue. Due to hormonal changes during adolescence, early onset gynecomastia may disappear on its own or respond favorably to treatment with hormone-blocking medications — which unfortunately, is not always the case for adults.

Some medical practitioners point to the overconsumption of phytoestrogens (isoflavones) found in soy products and certain herbal supplements as a contributing factor to abnormal male breast tissue growth. However, recent studies suggest the soy connection is a myth. Steroid abuse and obesity have also been associated with the condition. The debate in the scientific community may be ongoing, but no matter gynecomastia’s underlying cause, Dr. Sam Jejurikar says weight loss and exercise will not eliminate its effects in adult patients. The only viable solution to achieve male breast reduction in such cases is surgery.

Dr. Jejurikar on What Modern Male Breast-Reduction Surgery Looks Like

“Male breast-reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes one to three hours,” Dr. Sam Jejurikar explains on his website. While this time frame is typical, extreme cases may take longer and require more complex surgical intervention.
“In severe cases of gynecomastia, the weight of excess breast tissue may cause the breasts to sag and stretch the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple),” the American Society of Plastic Surgeons noted. “In these cases, the position and size of the areola can be surgically improved and excess skin may be reduced.”
An initial consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will reveal the extent of an individual patient’s condition. Dr. Jejurikar explains that once a doctor has ascertained the kind and amount of tissue to be removed, they can formulate a personalized surgical plan for the patient.
For those whose gynecomastia is composed mostly of adipose (fat) deposits, liposuction alone may suffice to remove it. Patients presenting with excess skin and glandular tissue in addition to adipose tissue will likely require a combination of surgical excision and liposuction. Again, in only the most extreme cases, cosmetic reconstruction may also be required to create the desired aesthetic outcome.


Dr. Sam Jejurikar Answers Your Male Gynecomastia FAQs

What’s the reason most men get breast-reduction surgery?

Male breast reduction can strengthen self-esteem and make those who undergo the procedure feel more attractive overall. The most commonly cited reason men get male breast reduction is to enhance their appearance: when clothed, to improve how a shirt or other garment drapes on their body; and when not clothed, to attain a more toned appearance.

Am I a good candidate for male breast reduction?

You’re a good candidate for male breast reduction if you’ve already ascertained your case can’t be corrected without surgical intervention. You should be in good general health and not have any condition(s) or be taking medications that inhibit blood clotting or healing. Ideally, you don’t drink, smoke, or take nonprescription drugs. Your outlook should be positive and your goals realistic. Your weight should fall within a normal range and your breast development should be stabilized. If you’re currently in the process of losing a substantial amount of weight, it would be best to postpone Gynecomastia or other cosmetic skin-tightening procedures until you’ve reached your goal weight and your weight is stable.

Is the procedure covered by insurance?

Generally speaking, cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance. However, some carriers may offer compensation on a case-by-case basis. Check with your provider to see what, if any, coverage they offer.

What should I do to prepare prior to surgery?

The first thing you must do before surgery is to be totally honest with your doctor during your consultation with regard to both your health and lifestyle. Undisclosed conditions can lead to surgical complications. It’s up to you to share all pertinent information in order to ensure the best possible outcome.

Most doctors will give you a thorough medical evaluation, which may include laboratory tests, before surgery. Depending on the results, you may be required to adjust any current medications you take, and if you do smoke, your surgeon may ask you to stop for a period both before and after the procedure. You should also avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal supplements before surgery because they can increase the risk of bleeding.

Since the procedure will be performed under anesthesia, you’ll need to arrange for someone to bring you home and purchase any necessary postoperative supplies in advance. It’s also a good idea to stock up on groceries. You won’t be able to go to work for a few days post-op, so make sure to arrange time off with your employer.

It’s also a good idea to put together a proactive postoperative plan with your surgeon. Find out which medication(s) will be prescribed for your recovery, make a schedule for when your dressings must be changed or removed, and if you have stitches, when they should be removed. Find out when it’s safe to return to your regular physical routine (including exercise) and when you need to schedule a follow-up visit.

What does postsurgical recovery entail for male Gynecomastia?

The most important part of your recovery is getting enough rest. During the first 48 hours of your convalescence, it’s best to have someone stay with you, both to help you get around and in the event of an emergency. You should also make arrangements to get help with chores and cooking for a few days.

Your doctor will give you specific instructions for postoperative care and it’s imperative that you follow those instructions to the letter. If you have incisions, you must avoid the use of excessive force or abrasive motion as you heal. (Get immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following: shortness of breath, chest pains, irregular heartbeat, unusual swelling.)

Will my breasts come back after the surgery?

Dr. Jejurikar says the results of male breast-reduction surgery are permanent in most cases. However, he cautions that if causative factors — including the use of certain prescription medications, steroids, and weight gain — are still in play, some excess tissue may return. Likewise, incorporating healthier lifestyle choices such as exercising, eating healthily, and moderating alcohol consumption will contribute to an improved overall outcome.

How can I find a local plastic surgeon experienced in male Gynecomastia?

If you’re in the Dallas area, you can reach out to Dr. Sam Jejurikar’s office to set up a consultation for breast-reduction surgery. Otherwise, look for a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has experience in the procedure. Ask to see the doctor’s “before and after” patient photos. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has an extensive online directory to help you find a qualified cosmetic surgeon near you. Also, check out reviews to see what others are saying.

Dallas Texas Surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar on Surgical Hair Restoration

Dallas Dr Sam Jejurikar Hair RestorationKids who grew up in the ’80s are likely familiar with candy buttons — row after row of tiny candy dots stuck to a roll of paper you chewed off one at a time. Back in the day, that’s pretty much what hair transplants looked like, too — row after row of hairy, suspect-looking punctuation marks gathered in a dubious runway formation with embarrassing sections of scalp peeking through. While hair plugs were standard operating procedure in the last century, Dallas-based cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar is happy to report that was then and this is now. 

Dr. Jejurikar explains that while hair restoration is still a medical procedure that should only be performed by a specially trained surgeon, the science of hair transplant technology has evolved over the years into an art form. In the hands of a competent hair restoration surgeon, the results, once painfully obvious, are now nearly undetectable.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Hair Transplant Procedure?

In the Oct. 2021 Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, Robert H. True, M.D., wrote: “A hair transplant can be performed for any person with sufficient hair loss, good donor area hair, a healthy scalp, in good general health, and who has reasonable expectations. When the hair transplant is done by a well-qualified, trained, and experienced surgeon, results are natural and enduring.”

Historically, men have sought out hair restoration surgery more often than women. According to studies conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery for its ISHRS 2022 Practice Census, of all hair restoration surgeries the prior year, 87% were performed on men and 13% were performed on women. However, as surgical techniques continue to advance, an increasing number of women suffering from hair loss are opting for surgical solutions.

The most commonly cited cause leading people of all genders to opt for hair restoration surgery is patterned hair loss (alopecia) — male pattern hair loss or androgenic alopecia, and female pattern hair loss, although not every person who suffers from one of these conditions is a viable candidate for hair restoration surgery. Candidates who are precluded from hair restoration surgery have been identified as having one or more of the following physical conditions: diffuse unpatterned alopecia, cicatricial alopecia, unstable hair loss, or insufficient hair loss. 

Additionally, patients deemed either too young or medically unfit for surgery will generally not be given the OK for the procedure until such time as their bodies have sufficiently matured or upon recovering their health and receiving the go-ahead from a physician. Likewise, people who harbor unrealistic expectations — and those with psychological issues, including body dysmorphic disorder or trichotillomania — are not considered appropriate candidates for hair restoration surgery.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar Explains What To Expect From a Hair Restoration Consultation

Hair restoration surgery is never a one-size-fits-all procedure. That’s why a patient’s initial consultation with a prospective surgeon is so important. If a doctor is only trained in one method of hair restoration surgery, be cautious. There are several surgical options available, and some are better suited to individual hair loss conditions than others.

During your initial consultation, a surgeon should examine your scalp to determine the type and extent of your hair loss as well as your individual hair growth patterns. They should also gather information on your family hair loss history and obtain a thorough medical history background from you that includes information on any prior hair replacement treatments or surgery, any health conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting deficiencies, propensity for scarring, and any medications you’re taking (such as blood thinners) that might have adverse effects on surgery. Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, will likely also be taken into account.

Finally, expect a prospective surgeon to discuss your recovery goals and expectations for your final hair restoration outcome. Dr. Jejurikar cautions that while there’s every reason to expect excellent results, you should be wary of surgeons who overpromise.

The ‘Before’ and ‘After’ of Hair Restoration Surgery

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to hair restoration surgery, that’s certainly the case. During your initial consultation with a prospective hair restoration professional, ask to see a gallery of before-and-after photos of their actual patients. Dr. Jejurikar says a reputable cosmetic surgeon will be only too happy to show you examples of their satisfied clientele. After all, pictures of positive outcomes speak for themselves.

So You’ve Decided To Get Hair Restoration Surgery. What’s Next?

Once you’re comfortable with a prospective surgeon, ask them to explain the planned procedure in detail. Find out which form of anesthesia will be used, and don’t be afraid to ask about any potential risks. Get an idea of how long your surgery will take and where it will be performed. Also, be clear about the cost of the procedure, including surgical personnel and facility costs, associated medications and dressings/bandages, and follow-up visits.

And again, don’t be afraid to discuss your expectations to make sure that you and your surgeon are on the same page regarding your results.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar on ‘Cutting Edge’ SmartGraft Technology

Thanks to advanced technology, an alternative nonsurgical hair restoration solution called SmartGraft is now available for many patients for whom traditional surgery was once the only option. SmartGraft is a precise, minimally invasive procedure employing a special grafting device that extracts grafts from the donor site. The procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting in one office visit with very minor discomfort (although the length of the procedure will be governed by the extent of each patient’s hair loss and the desired thickness of new growth).

Dr. Jejurikar reports other benefits of SmartGraft include little to no downtime, faster recovery, and quicker hair growth results. “Hair regrowth typically occurs in phases and your hair will likely shed during the first few weeks,” Dr. Jejurikar explained. “Most patients see a noticeable improvement within six months and full growth within 12 months of treatment.”

Recovery From Traditional Hair Restoration Surgery

After a traditional hair restoration operation, most patients report tenderness and pain in the scalp area. Surgeons generally prescribe pain medications to be taken for several days (or more) following surgery, and the affected area will be bandaged as well. Although most patients are able to return to work two to five days after the procedure, your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medication to be taken over the course of several days and up to a week.

While it’s disconcerting, be aware that two to three weeks post-op, your transplanted hair is going to fall out. Dr. Jejurikar says this is part of the normal shedding cycle and is no cause for concern. New hair growth is going to take a few months, so be patient. 

What Makes a Qualified Hair Restoration Surgeon?

In a statement on its website, the ISHRS has warned consumers to be wary of “the use of unlicensed technicians to perform aspects of hair restoration surgery, which should only be performed by a properly trained and licensed physician” because it “places patients at risk of: misdiagnosis; failure to diagnose hair disorders and related systemic diseases; and performance of unnecessary or ill-advised surgery, all of which jeopardizes patient safety and outcomes. There may also be a risk that unlicensed technicians may not be covered by malpractice insurance.”

That’s why, first and foremost, Dr. Sam Jejurikar stresses that the hair restoration surgeon you select should be board-certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (or in Canada by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada). Per the ASPS website, for a surgeon to obtain board certification they must: complete at least six years of surgical training following medical school, with a minimum of three years of plastic surgery residency training; pass comprehensive oral and written exams; graduate from an accredited medical school; complete continuing medical education, including patient safety, each year; and perform surgery in accredited, state-licensed or Medicare-certified surgical facilities.

If a prospective surgeon doesn’t meet these qualifications and have the credential certificates to back up their claims, don’t risk putting your health and safety in their hands.

Cosmetic Nose Surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar Knows Rhinoplasty ‘Inside and Out’

rhinoplasty Dr. Sam Jejurikar

While some people not be happy with the way their noses look, according to Texas-based cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar — ranked by Newsweek as one of 2022’s Best Plastic Surgeons in America and respected as one of the finest “nose doctors” in Dallas — there’s a lot more to the human nose than appearance alone. 

Rhinoplasty — more commonly known as a “nose job”— is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to enhance the appearance of the nose. However, many people don’t truly understand what it entails. Dr. Jejurikar notes there are quite a few misconceptions about rhinoplasty that he hopes to clear up for anyone considering getting one — and for those who might benefit from nose surgery who are unaware of some of its proven health benefits.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar has made it his life’s mission to help anyone seeking cosmetic surgery. “It is intensely gratifying to help patients achieve their goals,” he told Inspirery. “Although every patient’s story is different, the impact of his or her life is dramatic and significant. Being able to help patients experience moments like this will never cease to be immensely satisfying.” 

Dr. Sam Jejurikar’s Nose Surgery 101: Common Rhinoplasty Techniques

Rhinoplasty is often performed as an outpatient procedure during which the patient is under general anesthesia. However, whether IV or general is used, it’s always performed in conjunction with a local anesthetic (a lidocaine/epinephrine mixture) to numb the area and reduce potential bleeding.

There are two standard techniques for the procedure: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. A closed (endonasal) rhinoplasty is performed entirely inside the patient’s nose via incisions made in the nostrils. The components requiring modification are pulled out and reshaped, then returned to the nasal bed. The internal incisions are closed with absorbable sutures, so there is no need to remove stitches at a later time and no external scarring.

Open (external) rhinoplasty is needed when more visualization is required within the nose. To perform it, the surgeon makes a small trans-columellar (bridging) incision connecting incisions made to the right and left nostrils. The skin is then lifted to expose the internal nasal framework.

Seeing directly inside the nose without disturbing its natural internal alignment (as happens with closed rhinoplasty) allows the surgeon to evaluate its individual structural components with a higher degree of accuracy. While some very limited scarring may result from open rhinoplasty, it greatly improves access and visibility, which may result in more symmetrical final results.

“At your consultation appointment, you and Dr. Jejurikar will decide which of the two techniques is appropriate for your surgery,” states his website. “Either way, Dr. Jejurikar will gently lift the soft tissues covering the nose and sculpt the bone and cartilage into the desired shape, close the incision and apply a sterile dressing.”

Dr. Sam Jejurikar Explains Some Unexpected Health Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Aesthetics is the main reason people get nose jobs — but it’s certainly not the only reason. There’s no question looking good can boost self-esteem, which often goes a long way to making a patient feel better about themselves in general. However, nose surgery can also correct birth anomalies and damage caused by injuries that lead to breathing difficulties.

The nose working in conjunction with the mouth is an essential part of the human respiratory system. Patients with narrow nasal passages or obstructions may experience restricted breathing, resulting in snoring/sleep apnea, shortness of breath, and other sinus issues. 

Nose surgery that alleviates or even eliminates sinus problems (septoplasty) is often performed as an adjunct to traditional rhinoplasty. When successful, the result is improved breathing and better sleep quality, an essential component of overall good health that impacts everything from hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and weight gain to fatigue and depression.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar’s Nose Surgery Q&A

Before considering a “nose job,” ask the following four questions:

  1. Won’t everyone know I’ve had a nose job? No. Those who know you best may notice a difference in your appearance, but a competent cosmetic surgeon will make your features appear natural. The only way people will know you’ve had a nose job is if you tell them.
  2. Is having a “Kardashian” nose guaranteed to make me beautiful? No. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is all about balance and symmetry. Balanced, symmetrical features are the benchmarks against which beauty standards are measured. While a Kardashian nose might look great on a Kardashian face, it’s not going to be the best fit for everyone. Dr. Jejurikar cautions that patients must have realistic expectations.
  3. Will getting a nose job change my voice? Strange but sometimes true: Rhinoplasty can actually alter the human voice. While such changes are not usually significant, they can be noticeable. It’s speculated this is the reason why singers with distinctive vocal stylings whose appearance might be enhanced by rhinoplasty may elect to forgo the procedure. 

Dr. Sam Jejurikar Goes Post-Op: Need-to-Know Nose Surgery Recovery Facts

According to Jejurikar’s website, after a procedure, “You may experience puffiness, nose ache or a dull headache, some swelling and bruising, bleeding or stuffiness. Most patients feel like themselves within two or three days and return to work within about a week.” It’s totally normal. 

Swelling is treated with the application of ice per your surgeon’s instructions, and over-the-counter pain medications should offer adequate pain relief. However, common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, and aspirin that may interfere with blood clotting should be avoided. The swelling usually subsides after about two weeks, although some residual puffiness may linger for up to six months. How much bruising a patient experiences is dependent on their skin sensitivity and the extent of the procedure. Look for bruising to last for up to 10 days. While not usually a cause for concern, Dr. Sam Jejurikar says if swelling or bruising seems abnormal, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor to head off any potential complications and make sure the healing process is proceeding as it should.

In general terms, rhinoplasty recovery is achieved at the six-month mark, although it can take up to a year for the underlying facial structure to recover its full strength and integrity. In the immediate aftermath of nose surgery, patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, including exercise and sex. Blowing your nose, showering, wearing glasses, staying out in the sun, consuming alcohol, and smoking can all hinder recovery. To ensure optimum recovery, it’s always best to talk with your surgeon to establish a postoperative time line.

Dr. Jejurikar’s No. 1 tip for post-nose-surgery recovery is to avoid situations where your nose might be injured. While it’s okay to fly a week after nose surgery, stay in your seat to avoid getting bumped and have someone else put your luggage in the overhead.

How to Find a Great Nose Surgeon

When selecting a surgeon to perform any cosmetic procedure — including rhinoplasty — it’s wise to heed the advice given by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (insert link). Always look for an experienced, board-certified surgeon who specializes in the procedure. Once you’ve established that, be sure to ask how long they’ve been a practicing plastic surgeon, and how many rhinoplasties have they performed. Question if they’ve ever been disciplined by the board or by the state. Check to see if there’s any reason you wouldn’t be a good candidate for a rhinoplasty and ask about their policy on revisions if you’re not happy with the results.

Query where the surgery is going to take place — a hospital or surgery center, and if that location is accredited. Inquire about any hidden costs like lab work, postoperative care, or additional medications.

A reputable surgeon will answer your questions freely and will willingly show you a portfolio of their before and after nose-surgery patients’ photos. Before any procedure, your surgeon must thoroughly check your medical history, including any medications you take, to avoid surgical complications. Dr. Sam Jejurikar says you should never let a doctor pressure you into something you’re not comfortable with. If something doesn’t feel right, find another surgeon.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar Answers Patients’ Top 10 Tummy Tuck Questions

tummy tuck surgery 

It’s part and parcel of mommy makeovers and is more in demand than ever, thanks to the pressures of social media and the washboard abs streaming on our TVs, but tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is nothing new. The procedure — which is elective and aimed at improving the shape and appearance of the abdomen — was first performed in France in 1890. In 1899, Baltimore surgeon Dr. Kelly performed the first tummy tuck in the U.S. Since then, advances in medicine have transformed this surgery into a safe, streamlined procedure that, according to Dallas-based cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar, has given the term “cutting edge” a whole new meaning. 

What should I expect from tummy tuck surgery?

According to the Mayo Clinic, people with excess fat and/or skin in the navel area, or those with a weakness in the lower abdominal wall, are common candidates for abdominoplasty. The surgery removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Using permanent sutures, the connective tissues in the abdomen are tightened as well. 

Tummy tuck procedures generally take two to three hours and are performed in a hospital or outpatient surgical facility setting under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a horizontal, oval, or elliptical incision, depending on the amount of tissue to be removed, just above the pubic line. When the incision heals, the resulting scar runs along the natural skin crease of the bikini line. In addition to removing excess skin and fat and tightening the connective tissues, the surgeon pulls the belly button through a small incision, anchors it into its normal position with sutures, and then judiciously repositions the surrounding skin to achieve a firmer, more toned aesthetic.

What are the benefits of tummy tuck surgery?

The main reasons for undergoing a tummy tuck procedure are enhancing body image and boosting self-esteem. Feeling good about how we look has a definite correlation with our mental health.

While body image concerns are relatively common and are not considered mental health issues per se, according to the U.K.’s Mental Health Foundation, such worries can signal risk factors for potential mental health problems. It reports: “Research has found that higher body dissatisfaction is associated with a poorer quality of life, psychological distress, and the risk of unhealthy eating behaviors and eating disorders.”

In addition to improving self-esteem, tummy tucks also afford patients a host of other valuable health benefits.

A tummy tuck can strengthen your abdominal muscles. Having a stronger core can improve flexibility, help alleviate lower back pain, improve posture, and ward off hernias.

A tummy tuck may reduce the risk for certain medical conditions, including sleep apnea, diabetes, heart disease, and gallbladder disease.

A tummy tuck can increase bodily function control and decrease urinary stress incontinence occurrences. Many factors lead to the loss of bowel or bladder control. Aging, multiple pregnancies, and significant weight loss can be all factors. These issues can be exacerbated by the presence of excess fat and skin in the abdomen. Removing extra skin and fat and tightening connective tissue in the abdomen can improve control over bodily functions and lessen involuntary urinary leaks.

How long after a tummy tuck can I sleep on my stomach?

The accepted rule of thumb is to avoid sleeping on your stomach for six weeks after undergoing tummy tuck surgery. This hiatus from stomach sleeping ensures the skin and muscles have adequate time to heal. However, each patient is different, and some may need to stay off their tummies longer than six weeks. It is highly recommended you discuss a postsurgical sleeping protocol with your doctor prior to the procedure. 

What’s the best way to recuperate from a tummy tuck procedure?

Recuperating from a tummy tuck takes time and proper care of the body. To facilitate a speedy recovery, I recommend the following: 

Eat right and keep hydrated. High-protein foods benefit healing by boosting energy and promoting muscle growth. Conversely, foods with high sugar and sodium content can have a negative impact on the healing process and should be avoided. While patients who’ve undergone abdominoplasty experience swelling, drinking adequate amounts of water (eight glasses per day is recommended) reduces retention by flushing fluids from your system.

Don’t overdo it. People are eager to dive back into their everyday routines after surgery, but this can be a mistake. Instead, ease gradually into daily activities, and if your body is giving you the warning to stop doing something, listen to it. In general, tummy tuck patients should refrain from pulling, pushing, bending, and lifting heavy objects for a minimum of six weeks after surgery.

Look into lymphatic drainage massage. As the name implies, lymphatic drainage massage stimulates the body’s lymphatic system. This enhances its efficiency, speeding the removal of toxins, boosting immune response, and aiding in the overall healing process.

What’s the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?

As mentioned above, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia in a hospital or outpatient surgical setting. Liposuction is a much less invasive procedure that does not require a surgical incision and can be performed under a local anesthetic (although general is preferred). Abdominoplasty is strictly abdominal surgery, while liposuction can be performed on any area of the body where stubborn fatty deposits that resist traditional weight loss protocols occur, including the neck, thighs, back, and arms.

During liposuction, no skin is removed, nor is fat surgically excised. Instead, a saline, water, and anesthesia solution is injected into the target area. A cannula is then inserted, and the fat is sucked out. Those considering either procedure should consult with a reputable cosmetic surgeon before proceeding to better understand which one best meets their needs.

How soon is it safe to get a tummy tuck after pregnancy?

Due to significant changes in the body, one of the most prevalent times women choose to get a tummy tuck is after pregnancy. It’s only natural to want to get back to your pre-baby body as soon as you can. However, some guidelines must be adhered to in order to safeguard a woman’s health and achieve the maximum benefits from the procedure. 

Six months after giving birth is the earliest patients should schedule a tummy tuck. Moms who’ve undergone a C-section may have to wait longer (up to a year) and should discuss any potential surgery with their doctor. There are other factors that may make postponing a tummy tuck a good idea as well:

Are you still breastfeeding? Breastfeeding influences hormonal changes in the body that can impact the healing process and influence weight fluctuations. It’s recommended to wait until three months after you finish breastfeeding before getting a tummy tuck.

Has your weight stabilized? Weight gain during pregnancy is normal. Getting back or close to pre-baby weight can take time, and many moms experience postpartum weight fluctuations. While a tummy tuck will improve physical appearance, it’s not strictly intended to be a weight loss procedure. Tummy tucks are most effective when patients are at or near their ideal weight. 

Do you plan to get pregnant again? The logic of this is pretty simple: Every pregnancy can result in additional stretching of tissues and added fat to the midsection, all of which can undo the good your tummy tuck has done. If you think there might be more kids in your future, putting off tummy tuck surgery is best until after welcoming your last blessed event.

Can men get a tummy tuck?

The simple answer to this question is, yes. Men can and do get tummy tucks — and are doing so in increasing numbers. That said, when it comes to tummy tucks, not all men are created equal. Some men make better candidates for this surgery than others. Dr. Jejurikar advises men interested in the procedure to discuss their expectations with a certified cosmetic surgeon to ensure their desired outcome is realistic.

Can a tummy tuck be combined with other surgery?

Yes. One of the most popular cosmetic procedures currently performed is what’s known as the “mommy makeover,” which can combine a tummy tuck with breast enhancement and/or liposuction. The upside of combined surgeries is that they require only one recovery period. However, that recovery period will likely be longer than that of a single procedure. Your overall health is the biggest factor in determining whether multiple procedures are viable and must be determined by a doctor on a case-by-case basis.

Who should not get a tummy tuck?

Tummy tucks work wonders for some — but they’re not for everyone. The Mayo Clinic cautions that prior to embarking on the procedure, potential patients should thoroughly discuss any of the following conditions or concerns they have with their surgeon:

You plan to lose a significant amount of weight. A major weight loss can result in excess skin on the abdomen. It’s better to wait until weight goals are met before undertaking tummy tuck surgery.

You have a severe chronic condition, such as heart disease or diabetes. While abdominoplasty may lessen these conditions, if you already have them, they can put you at greater risk during surgery, especially when a general anesthetic is involved. 

You have a body mass index greater than 30. Again, while tummy tucks do result in weight loss, it is not considered weight loss surgery. Patients who fare best are at or close to their ideal body weight.

You smoke. In general, smoking increases surgical risks. It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but nonsmokers generally enjoy better surgical outcomes.

You’ve had previous abdominal surgery that resulted in significant scar tissue. Excessive scar tissue can be a side effect of any abdominal surgical procedure. Some patients are more prone to it than others. If prior surgery indicates that’s the case, further procedures might not be in your best interest.

How do I find a good tummy tuck surgeon in Dallas or elsewhere?

 The qualities that make a good tummy tuck surgeon in Dallas are the same no matter where the procedure is being performed. A good tummy tuck surgeon combines thorough medical knowledge with technical artistry. A good tummy tuck surgeon truly cares about their patients, listens to their concerns, and helps them arrive at realistic goals and expectations. A good tummy tuck surgeon always makes the health of their patients their highest priority — even if that sometimes means saying no to a procedure.

First and foremost, those considering cosmetic surgery should seek out a doctor who, like me, is board-certified in plastic surgery by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Only board-certified plastic surgeons have the education, training, and certification to perform cosmetic surgeries on the face, breasts, and body. Always verify your surgeon’s credentials and make sure they have experience in the procedure you’re interested in.

Male Facelifts – a New Normal in Dallas Plastic Surgery

Dr Sam Jejurikar Men's facelift

Once strictly a woman’s privilege, plastic surgery for men is on the rise. More men than ever are seeking facial rejuvenation procedures, according to Dr. Sam Jejurikar, touted as one of the best plastic surgeons in Dallas.

One of the most significant changes that have taken place in this area is that men are now talking to one another about their issues with aging. In the not-too-distant past, aging and how it can impact men was not something most men would openly discuss, and therefore, many options have not been available.

As social mores have changed so much in recent years, the facts have become clear, with men being encouraged to open up and talk about the physical changes that occur with aging. Men care about how they look and want options to combat the physical changes of aging.

The commonly accepted idea that the more rugged and weather-beaten a man appeared, the more manly he is, is now a thing of the past. Many men who want to look younger and feel better about themselves are seeking facelifts at an increasing rate.

What Happens During a Facelift for Men?

Men's facelift Dr. Sam Jejurikar

As men age, the tissues which control facial expression, the SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System), become lax and weak, beginning to sag. This sagging causes jowls to form, cheeks to hollow and deep creases to appear along the corners of the mouth and down the side of the nose. A SMAS facelift adjusts and mends this wear and tear, correcting sagging jowls and filling out hollow cheeks and deep creases.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or with IV sedation.

During the operation, incisions are made through all three facial and neck skin layers. The layers are then lifted in an upwards motion, with tension being placed on the underlying SMAS layer. Any excess fat is trimmed, and the SMAS is then sutured.

A highly skilled surgeon, such as Dallas-based Dr. Sam Jejurikar, understands the minute differences in facial anatomy present in various patients. No two candidates are the same, and all patients are treated as individual cases, demonstrated by the excellent results he is famed for.

Are Men’s Facelifts Different From Women’s?

men and women facelift

Absolutely. The male anatomy is different from that of the female, so the procedure must be approached distinctively for it to succeed.

Men have thicker skin and muscle than women, which needs to be accounted for during surgery so that the overall appearance of the face is as natural as possible.

The incisions made during surgery on a male are also different, mainly due to the fact that men have beard growth. In women, the main incision passes behind the ear’s tragus to conceal the scar. In men, the incision is positioned in front of the tragus so that any skin with hair on it won’t be drawn over the tragus and inside the ear.

Can Men’s Facelifts Have Practical Benefits?

The effects of a good facelift aren’t just aesthetic; a facelift can also greatly improve self-confidence and eliminate or lessen debilitating feelings of low self-esteem.

This, in turn, can bring about genuine change in the lives of men who have undergone surgery. Relationships improve, and romantic social and professional opportunities may also increase as self-confidence is directly linked to how others perceive us.

What About Post-Operative Care?

The recovery from a procedure like this will generally take around 2- 3 weeks.

  • Some swelling, bruising, and numbness are completely normal and to be expected.
  • Bruising can last a little longer but, in general, should be completely resolved after around three weeks.
  • Patients need to rest and take things easy after their operation.

Are There Any Complications to Consider?

Facelift surgery for men is usually safe, but as with all surgery, it is important to understand the possible risks. The best candidates are men over 50 who are in good health and do not smoke.

Smoking can increase the risk of infection in postoperative patients and slow healing. To ensure the best possible recovery, patients must listen carefully to the advice given by their surgeon.

Seeking the Best To Achieve the Finest Results

A facelift can easily knock a decade or more off a person’s face, especially if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor who has been touted as one of the best plastic surgeons by Newsweek and D Magazine. Dr. Sam Jejurikar, of Dallas, Texas, has been practicing for over 20 years, is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and is a member of the renowned Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute.

About Dr. Sam Jejurikar

Discover Dallas Best Plastic Surgeon | Sam Jejurikar MD

Dr. Sam Jejurikar has twice been named in D Magazine’s annual “Best Doctors and Pediatric Specialists in Dallas” list, and in August of this year, he was honored as a top plastic surgeon in Newsweek’s rankings of America’s Best Plastic Surgeons.

After earning his undergraduate degree at the University of Michigan as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, Dr. Jejurikar undertook a residency in plastic surgery at the University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers.

Further training at the renowned Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital with a sub-speciality in aesthetic surgery followed, and more recently, Dr. Jejurikar earned his Executive MBA from SMU Cox School of Business.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar currently serves as an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the American Medical Association.

With philanthropic beliefs strongly informing his work, Dr. Sam Jejurikar regularly participates in medical missions. This includes an annual trip to treat impoverished children with Smile Bangladesh.

If you want to hear the latest from Dr. Sam Jejurikar himself, he runs a podcast where he discusses the latest in plastic surgery, media trends, and what being an actual plastic surgeon is like. Hear the latest below:

[podcastplayer feed_url=’https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1149326.rss’]



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9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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