Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

Very frequently I get asked by male patients in my practice whether or not it’s common for other men to have plastic surgery procedures. These men are usually very sheepish when asking this question, thinking that they are alone in their desire to get cosmetic enhancements. The truth is, they are far from alone! Men make up a significant portion of the global cosmetic surgery market and entire plastic surgery practices exist that cater only to providing services for men.

So what are the most common procedures that men are seeking? In my practice, I can break it down to four discrete procedures:

  • Liposuction
  • Botox
  • Neck lift and eyelid surgery
  • Kybella

Liposuction, far and away, is the most common procedure sought by male patients in my practice. Most common areas that men look to have corrected are the abdomen, flanks and upper chest. Most of the men that have liposuction use surgery as an adjunct to a fairly regimented workout routine. These are not obese patients looking for shortcuts; these are healthy, fit men looking to get rid of problem areas that they have been unsuccessful in correcting with exercise alone. I will commonly utilize ultrasound assisted liposuction (Vaser, Lysonix) to achieve a degree of skin tightening and to help melt the fat and fibrous tissue prior to suctioning it out.

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) and Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA) are injectable agents designed to eliminate wrinkles associated with facial animation. Most common areas treated are transverse forehead lines, vertical lines located between the eyebrows (“the 11s), and crows feet. These treatments give patients a more youthful and more refreshed appearance. Botox and Dysport injections can be performed in the office with virtually no downtime, helping to explain the immense popularity of these procedures. Treatments need to be repeated every 3 to 4 months to maintain a youthful appearance.

Older professional men looking to maintain a competitive advantage in the workplace often come to the office to learn about facial cosmetic surgery. They are concerned about looking overly feminine or dramatically altering their appearances. These men tend to want to avoid having facelifts or browlifts, but want to look more youthful. In these patients, we will commonly perform necklifts to eliminate saggy skin of the neck and to improve jowls, without giving the patients overly high cheekbones. Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is commonly performed at the same time to eliminate a tired or angry appearance. Because bruising and swelling can be significant in men, patients tend to combine these procedures and usually allow themselves two weeks out of the public eye.

The last procedure, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is Kybella. Kybella is derived from deoxycholic acid, or bile acid, and is used to eliminate troublesome fat of the neck. It has been cleared by the FDA and has been shown to have tremendous benefit without having surgery. Patients usually need at least two treatments, ideally spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. Although the neck can feel numb and rubbery for a few weeks, patients generally look relatively normal within a couple of days of treatment. As a result, they can schedule the procedure at their convenience without taking time off from work. Not surprisingly, a large number of men are flocking towards this treatment.

If you’re a man (or woman!) wanting to learn more about cosmetic surgery, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 214-827-2814.

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