Category Archives: Skin care
The Omnilux Mask: What It Does, The Science Behind It, and How I Use It
The Omnilux Mask has become a standout tool in skincare, offering an easy, effective way to rejuvenate skin, minimize fine lines, and promote overall skin…
Optimizing Scars After Cosmetic Surgery
Scars are a necessary evil with cosmetic surgery. Nobody wants scars, but if you want surgery to achieve the breasts, body or face of your…
The Basics of Skin Care to get back a Fresh Face
As we get older, our face tends to lose the brightness of youth. Since facial skin gets more sun damage than other parts of our…
Nonsurgical alternatives to a more youthful appearance
You may be noticing a few more wrinkles on your face and feel like you’re looking a bit tired these days regardless of your beauty…
Summer Skin Care is Essential
With the brutal summer heat in full force, it’s important to be mindful of caring for your skin this summer. The most important tool in…
Skin lightening without hydroquinone
Recently, the state of Texas banned the dispensing of hydroquinone, the most popular skin bleaching cream, in concentrations of 4% of more, because of safety…
Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
9101 N. Central Expwy.Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814