In today’s world of easily accessible plastic surgery procedures, there is a plethora of cosmetic surgery solutions available for our ever changing and aging bodies. If you don’t like a physical trait and want to tweak it with a little nip and tuck, there are plenty of highly skilled plastic surgeons available to treat you.
All women experience some type of change to their breasts over time. A woman’s breasts will start to sag and lose shape and volume due to childbirth and breast-feeding, weight loss or aging. The best permanent solution for your sagging breasts is not a temporary lift from your bra, but rather a breast lift procedure, or mastopexy, from a board certified plastic surgeon. Having breast lift surgery can restore the youthful perkiness to your breasts and may improve your self-confidence. Some women even opt to have breast augmentation done in conjunction with the breast lift procedure. By combining these two surgeries, the breasts will be lifted and volume will be added to the upper poles of the breasts to create a more youthful breast shape. Your plastic surgeon will discuss what the best surgical solution is for your breast revitalization goals.
The breast lift procedure typically takes two to three hours to complete, with or without combination with breast augmentation. The surgeon preforms the surgery while the patient is under general anesthesia. Patients and plastic surgeons alike have a strong aversion to scars, so the breast lift incisions are created in locations on the breasts that will minimize scar visibility. Scar treatment options will likely be discussed prior to having surgery and when you’re able to start treating them post-operatively. As with any surgery, you can expect to feel fatigued and sore for a few days after your procedure. You should be feeling well enough to be able to return to work after the first week.
The ideal candidates for undergoing breast lift surgery are women who are in overall good health, are no longer breast feeding, at a stable weight and don’t smoke. If you are someone who smokes, it is imperative to have a plan in place to quit smoking prior to surgery in order to ensure reduced risk of post-operative healing complications and optimal results.
Women who have flat and elongated sagging breasts that have lost their shape and fullness will greatly benefit from having a breast lift procedure. They will enjoy a more youthful shape and appearance to the breasts along with better fitting clothes and a renewed self-confidence.
If you would like to schedule a consultation to learn more about breast lift surgery or breast lift surgery in combination with breast augmentation call the office of Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814