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The patient is a 55 year old woman complaining of a tired and angry appearance. She underwent an upper eyelid blepharoplasty, with removal of skin and fat from the upper eyelids, and a lower eyelid blepharoplasty, with removal of fat from an incision made on the inside of the eyelids. The lower eyelids were also tightened to give her a more almond-shaped eye. An incision was also made just below the eyelashes of the lower eyelids to remove excess skin and a small amount of fat was injected to blunt the tear troughs. Even six weeks after surgery, the incisions are hardly perceptible.

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Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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