Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

How much swelling and bruising you have after Dallas laser resurfacing depends entirely on how much time you have to recover from the procedure. Laser resurfacing in Dallas and Plano must always be individualized to the needs of the patient.  If you have a few weeks, I can be very aggressive with the procedure. This will lead to dramatic improvement in facial wrinkles and pigmentation; redness may last 3-6 months after the procedure. If you only have 3 or 4 days, there are still excellent laser treatments I can perform, with much less redness thereafter. Ultimately, the specific laser treatment must be tailored to the amount of time you have to recover after the procedure.

So, what are the different options for laser resurfacing in Dallas?  One of the ways we classify different laser resurfacing procedures is by whether or not they are fractional or full field resurfacing.  Full field laser resurfacing includes some traditional types of laser treatments, including carbon dioxide and erbium lasers.  With these types of procedures, all of the skin on the face is treated. Although the results can be beautiful, if the treatment is done at a deep depth, it will take longer to heal.  A full field laser can be done at a more superficial depth to speed up the recovery.  Fractional lasers treat some of the skins but leaves tiny islands of skin cells untreated.  Two of the most commonly used fractional lasers used in my practice is Fraxel re:pair and Fraxel re:store.  While all the differences between these lasers are too much for this blog entry, the re:store is non-ablative, which means it is not destructive, and the re:pair is ablative, which means that it destroys columns of skin. Re:pair usually is performed in the operating room and re:store is usually performed with the patient awake in a treatment room.

Regardless of the amount of time you have to heal, there are great treatments available to you.  Benefits of all of these laser treatments include elimination irregular pigmentation, treatment of fine or deep wrinkles, and a healthier glow to the skin.

If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

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