Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

2015 was an extraordinary year in plastic surgery. With the overexposure of celebrities on the internet and social media driving the desire to look youthful, both women and men alike are seeking cosmetic treatments to help them achieve the best version of themselves. Many of the trends we saw last year will carry over into this new year. But still, there is one trend we expect to see in 2016 that is a shift from that of the past.

Lip Augmentation — Call it the Kylie Jenner effect.  Bigger, fuller lips are definitely higher on the list of “must have’s” than ever before. Thirty percent of dermatologists and forty-three percent of plastic surgeons revealed that they had more requests about lip enhancement procedures in 2015 than the previous year. Plastic surgeons around the country fully expect this trend to become more popular in 2016. It is a simple, in office procedure that usually takes less than thirty minutes to perform. The most common fillers on the market today are Juvederm and Restylane Silk. Results are immediate and typically last for one year.

Buttocks Augmentation – What Kylie Jenner has done for the lip boom, we can thank her sister Kim Kardashian for the even more popular and continually growing trend of bootylicious backsides. The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure combines the removal of fat via liposuction, sculpting of the waist and midsection, and transfer of the collected fat cells to the buttocks. Together, this procedure accentuates the female figure by creating a small waist with a fuller backside. About forty-seven percent of plastic surgeons said they received a higher number of buttock related procedure requests from women in 2015 when compared to 2014. We expect this trend to only increase in the new year.

Breast Augmentation —  Back in the early 1990’s, when Baywatch was all the rage (and Pamela Anderson was the spokesmodel for all things perfect), women were lining up to get breast enhancements. At the time the motto was, “the bigger, the better.” This was also during a period of time when silicone implants were off the shelves and your only device choice was a saline implant. Saline implants have the unique ability to be overfilled to a desirable size, and most women chose to have them filled to their full capacity. However, times they are a-changing.  In recent national surveys, plastic surgeons are reporting that women are opting for a more “natural” look to their enhancement. This is usually achieved by using smaller sized silicone implants (the national average is 234cc!). With the vast improvement in silicone technology, women have more choices when it comes to implant devices. The newest generation of silicone implants offers a more natural breast shape and appearance as well as natural feel.

Most likely, we will see more trends emerge as 2016 unfolds, but we won’t be surprised if these three are the mainstay in cosmetic medicine for the foreseeable future. Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog for more trends in 2016!

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