Plastic Surgery Dallas

Plastic Surgery | Plastic Surgeon | Dallas

Many people mistake plastic surgery with cosmetic surgery.  In reality plastic surgery is a far wider scope of surgery, covering both reconstructive and elective aesthetic surgery.  Just like it sounds, reconstructive surgery is done to reconstruct part of the body after a serious injury or cancer, or a previously botched surgery.  Cosmetic surgery is often an elective surgery done to improve normal appearance, and reconstructive surgery can also help to correct a deformity from birth.

Only a surgeon who has successfully completed a plastic surgery program can be called a plastic surgeon, and be eligible to be board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  Dr Sam Jejurikar has not only trained at one of the most prestigious plastic surgery programs in the country at University of Michigan, he then continued his aesthetic training at the world renowned Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital (MEETH) in Manhattan.  After the completion of his training, he was then recruited by one of the most prestigious plastic surgery groups in the country, Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute.  He is also board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Whether it’s for aesthetic or reconstructive reasons for surgery, it is in your best interest to do your due diligence and thoroughly research your doctor.  Not all certifications are equal.  Take your time to get to know your plastic surgeon and please do not select your surgeon based on price.  You may save financially now, but only to pay more than monetary terms in the long run.  Many patients are promised unrealistic goals and/or have unrealistic expectations.  Please be sure to select your board certified plastic surgeon wisely.

During your consultation with Dr. Jejurikar, fondly known to his patients as “Dr J” he will thoroughly go over your options and realistic expectations.  You will feel confident and safe knowing you are in his experienced and skilled hands.  Whether its cosmetic or reconstructive surgery you are interested in, please contact our office at 212-827-2814 to schedule your consultation.



Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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