Dallas Breast Lift Specialist

Breast Lift Dallas

After pregnancy or significant weight loss, many women do not have the elasticity in the their breasts that they once had.  A surgical procedure many women consider to restore that youthful look and shape to their breasts is called a mastopexy.  Also known as a breast lift.  A breast lift is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia in which Dallas Breast Lift Specialist Dr. Sam Jejurikar removes excess skin in the breast area.  To add fullness to the breasts, a patient will often combine a breast lift surgery with breast augmentation.

To see if you are a candidate for a Dallas Breast Lift or a Breast Lift with Augmentation please contact us at 214-827-2814 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sam Jejurikar.



Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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