
Discover Dallas Best Plastic Surgeon | Sam Jejurikar MDRenuva® Adipose Matrix

In many ways, Renuva represents the next generation of filler. Renuva is the first filler that utilizes tissue engineering to create a filler with truly regenerative properties. Renuva is an FDA approved human-tissue derived injectable for small volume replacement. Although it contains tissue elements (adipose matrix), it does not contain any living cells. What it does contain is an abundance of specialized growth factors that are also contained in your own fat.
Once Renuva is transplanted into your body, it forms a matrix that serves as a scaffolding to build new tissue. This can result in improved skin tone and texture, not to mention greater facial volume. The results from Renuva are thought to last and improve over 2 years, if not longer. Renuva has a variety of uses, but we’re finding some of the most popular ones to be treatment from previous liposuction procedures, small dimples in the skin of the breasts and buttocks, cellulite dimpling, aging hands, and facial volume loss, not to mention correction of lines and wrinkles of the face.

Renuva® Treatment

Dr. Jejurikar will use a small needle or microcannula to inject fat matrix under your skin, just as he would with any other dermal filler. If needed, topical anesthetic can be utilized prior to the treatment to limit the discomfort associated with the procedure. The entire procedure is relatively quick and performed in the office. You should expect some immediate results that will continue to improve in the ensuing weeks and months. Full results generally take about 3 months to see. Side effects of the procedure tend be minimal and include redness, swelling and, rarely, allergic reaction.
To learn more about Renuva® Adipose Matrix or to schedule your consultation and treatment, contact Dallas Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar at 214-827-2814 or complete the form on this page.



Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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