Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

It’s now been proven – plastic surgery can actually make you more likable to other people.

We’ve always known that plastic surgery can make you look younger, but a study published earlier this month in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery found that women who underwent facial cosmetic surgery were perceived to be more likable than they were prior to having surgery. The study retrospectively evaluated the preoperative and postoperative photographs of 30 women who underwent plastic surgery over 5 years. Procedures that the women underwent included facelift, upper lid blephroplasty (upper eyelid lift), lower blepharoplasty (lower eyelid rejuvenation), brow lift, neck lift, and / or chin implant. The 60 photographs (30 before and 30 after) were divided into 6 groups of 10 photos each; each group had 5 preoperative and 5 postoperative photos. The same patient’s preoperative and postoperative photos were not included in any one group. The researchers than asked 24 other individuals to rate the photographs for personality traits, including aggressiveness, extroversion, like ability, trustworthiness, social skills and risk seeking, as well as for femininity and attractiveness.

What did they find? When comparing postoperative photos with preoperative ones, patients were found to have increased likability, social skills, attractiveness and femininity; all of these were statistically significant findings. Of the procedures performed, facelift and lower eyelid procedures resulted in the greatest perceived changes in personality. The researchers speculate that, because these procedures turn up the corners of the mouth and reduce the appearance of fatigue around the eyes, they made the women’s baseline facial expressions appear happier and more joyous. This in turn led others to believe that they were more likable.

So what does this all mean? It’s well known in the field of psychology that people tend to make judgements regarding other’s character and personality based on their appearance. In addition, people tend to make judgements within mere seconds of seeing another person’s face for the first time. It’s also known that these judgements tend to be consistent with the way that other people also perceive the same face.

From the time we are young, we are taught not “to judge a book by its cover.” That dictum, however,  is not consistent with the world in which we live. Snap judgements about your character and personality are formed within seconds from everyone you encounter. Thus, even though facial cosmetic surgery won’t make you a better person, it’ll make others think you are more likable, attractive and possess better social skills.

To learn more about facial cosmetic surgery and noninvasive facial procedures performed at Dallas Plastic Surgery, contact the office of Dr. Sam Jejurikar at 214-827-2814.

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