Chin Augmentation (Chin Implant)

Discover Dallas Best Plastic Surgeon | Sam Jejurikar MDA Chin Augmentation can help reshape or enhance the size of your chin to create greater visual balance between the chin and the nose.  By inserting an implant or by moving or reshaping bones creates a more rounded appearance or adds a touch of prominence to your chin.  In most cases, chin augmentation is done to give a patient with a “weak” chin a stronger profile.

To complete the sense of balance, it is common to have other procedures such as rhinoplasty or neck liposuction performed at the same time as a Chin Augmentation.  Chin augmentation can, of course, be performed alone, and is one of the fastest growing procedures in popularity in the United States.

Dr. Jejurikar will be happy to discuss your expectations about looking and feeling better with a chin augmentation.

Am I a candidate for Chin Augmentation?

The best candidates for chin augmentation are people with weak or receding chins (microgenia) but who have a normal dental bite and are in otherwise good health.

The Procedure

Chin Augmentation surgery typically lasts for around one hour and is usually performed under general anesthesia or with sedation.

During the procedure, an incision is made, either inside the mouth or outside under the chin.  A pocket is created in front of the chin bone and under the muscles and the implant is placed inside.  Dr. Jejurikar will then either reshape the bone, add an insert, and/or relocate fatty tissue depending on your treatment plan.


You will be able to resume light activity the day of surgery but you will feel some discomfort and soreness for up to three months.  You should be able to return to work and your usual activities within  seven to ten days, and it may take up to 6 for any swelling to completely subside.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Jejurikar will be happy to talk with you personally to address any of your questions or concerns.  Call 214-827-2814 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. J. to discuss a Chin Augmentation (Chin Implant) at our office located in Dallas, TX.

Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
9101 N Central Expy #600
Dallas, TX 75231



Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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