As we age, everyone experiences the tell tale signs of aging: wrinkling of the neck, neck cords, jowls, prominent marionette line, and a sagging midface (cheek). These changes occur because of the cumulative effects of gravity, which pulls everything down. Surgical correction geared towards pulling everything up – i.e, a facelift, therefore provides the most direct and dramatic intervention to change these signs of aging.
Facelifts come in many different varieties, including short scar facelifts that limit the incision behind the ear, full facelifts geared at total correction of the cheek, lower face and neck, necklifts that limit the incision in front of the ear, and midface lift. Although most face lift procedures require general anesthesia, limited face lifts can also be performed under local anesthesia in the office. These procedures tend not to be as long lasting, but can freshen the appearance of the face and skin.
You should expect some swelling and bruising after a facelift. This will subside to normal in 1-3 weeks, largely depending on the extensiveness of the procedure. In general, the bigger the procedure, the longer is takes to look normal after facelift.
Dr. Jejurikar is a board certified plastic surgeon, as well as a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. In addition to completing standard training in plastic surgery, he also performed an additional one-year fellowship focusing on aesthetic surgery (cosmetic surgery) at Manahattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jejurikar or for more information about Dallas facelift, please contact our office directly at 214-827-2814.