Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

Have you ever thought about having a stronger, more chiseled chin? If so, you are not alone! Recent data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons revealed that chin implant placement (“chinplant”) is the fastest growing plastic surgery trend in the United States. This rapid increase in chin implant popularity has been seen in men, women, and all age groups. It’s thought that the increased popularity of chin implants is the result of increased usage of video chat technology, an aging baby boomer population and the perception that a weak chin impairs success in the workplace.

Chin augmentation is a relatively straightforward procedure. A small incision is generally made below the chin, allowing for placement of a solid implant. The procedure is usually done with the patient under anesthesia, though it can be done with some mild sedation.

To learn more about chin augmentation or other procedures, contact Dr. Sam Jejurikar of Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute at 214-827-2814.

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