Category Archives: Buttock Augmentation
Beware Black Market Butt Shots
More and more women are getting plastic surgery to lift and increase the size of their buttocks. By far, the most popular method is with…
Frequently asked questions about buttock augmentation
In the past five years, the popularity of buttock augmentation has exploded in the United States. This is one of the most commonly performed procedures…
Protect your investment – What to know before your facelift
While each individual is different, many of their needs are similar after face lift surgery. The following are products that Dr. Jejurikar has found helpful…
What exactly is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgical procedure designed to lift the buttocks , increase their size, and improve their shape. Dr. Jejurikar performs the procedure by…
Dallas Buttock Augmentation with Fat | The Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift has rapidly become one of the most plastic surgery operations performed by Dallas Plastic Surgeon Sam Jejurikar, MD. The operation performs two…
Longevity of Brazilian Butt Lift – Just how long do the results last?
Patients often want to know just how long they can expect the results of their Brazilian Butt Lift to last. It’s a common misconception among…
Dr. J Introduces Dallas Brazilian Butt Lift Web Site
Dr. Jejurikar is proud to introduce his specialty Web site devoted to buttock augmentation. Given the dramatic rise in popularity of buttock augmentation in the…
The Results of Brazilian Butt Lift Do Not Appear on X-ray
Many of you have seen the picture posted all over the Internet: Kim Kardashian is proudly posed next to an x-ray, which reveals no evidence…
Buttock augmentation – Brazilian Butt Lift at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
Buttock augmentation with fat, or the Brazilian Butt Lift, is being performed with increased frequency. The concept is quite simple; patients undergo liposuction in various…
Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
9101 N. Central Expwy.Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214.827.2814