Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

It is not uncommon for many patients to ask me whether they can avoid the scars associated with a breast lift by simply placing a really big breast implant.  This notion may have been placed in their mind by other surgeons, or by information that they have picked up from the Internet.

I certainly understand the motivation behind this question.  I have never had a patient come to my office requesting more scars than necessary for surgery.  Ultimately, people want to avoid scars on their breasts, and I am no different in this regard.

However, only a very minor breast lift can be accomplished with a breast implant.  There are surgeons out there, many of who are not plastic surgeons and do not have specific training or experience with breast lifts, who will attempt to place an overly large breast implant into the patient’s breast rather than perform a breast lift.  Not only can this give patients larger breasts than they want, but it can cause long-term negative consequences on the breast tissue and breast-supporting ligaments.  It is in these situations that long-term complications such as implant malposition (the implant sliding down too far) are more likely to happen.

Ultimately, my goals for the patient always remain the same.  First, it is important that the patient have a nice breast shape and size.  This differs from patient to patient, but it is important for me and the patient to come to a mutual understanding of this prior to surgery.  Two, if a breast lift is needed, I want to do it with the fewest number of scars possible, as well as the most aesthetically pleasing scars as possible,.

If you have more questions about breast implants and breast lift surgery, do not hesitate to contact me at 214-827-2814.

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