Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

It has become more common for women to wait until later in life before beginning a family. With higher education and embarking on promising careers, women in their 20’s and 30’s are becoming more financially stable, making cosmetic surgery a more feasible option. One of the most common sought after procedures today is breast augmentation. But the burning question still lingers: “Should I have a breast augmentation before I have a child and breastfeed?”

So, when exactly is the “right time” to have breast augmentation?

The good news is, breast implants in no way interfere with your ability to get pregnant or breast feed.  We do know, however, that with pregnancy your breasts do undergo changes. From the hormones, weight gain, and milk production, pregnancy and breastfeeding affects each woman differently. Some women have tremendous changes in breast shape and size, and some have almost none.  Post pregnancy, some women will lose most of their breast volume after breastfeeding, others will develop loose skin, while still others may maintain a larger breast volume post pregnancy.  It is impossible to predict beforehand how much your breasts will change. And it is equally impossible to know how much they will be able to return to their pre-pregnancy state.

When choosing to pursue surgery, timing is everything. If you’re planning to start a family in the short months following your augmentation, it may be wiser to wait! It would be a pity for you to spend the time and money to achieve the perfect results, only to have them change with pregnancy.  There is no guarantee they will return to your post operative results. That being said, you certainly aren’t required to wait if you don’t want to wait. Should you opt to have your augmentation and after your pregnancy you are left with sagging skin, a breast lift is always a reasonable solution to get your perky breasts back.

If, on the other hand, you have no immediate plans for starting a family then surgery can be a great option! It is widely agreed upon that safety is not a deterring issue when having a breast augmentation before a family.

The most important thing you can do when considering breast augmentation is finding a board certified plastic surgeon and having an open discussion about your goals and future plans. Your surgeon can help guide you in determining what timing is just right for you and your needs.  Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to enjoy your results before going through all the changes associated with pregnancy.

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