Silicone Breast Implants

Discover Dallas Best Plastic Surgeon | Sam Jejurikar MDBreast implants have been used for breast augmentation for more than forty years.  Silicone gel-filled implants generally look and feel softer than saline breast implants and, in many cases, are considered superior. Silicone breast implants were removed from the market by the FDA in 1992 and saline-filled implants became an accepted alternative to silicone.  After careful study, silicone implants were re-approved by the FDA for use in 2006 and are now available to women throughout the United States.

Breast implants come in a variety of shape and sizes.  They vary in shell surface finish (smooth or textured), volume/size,  shell thickness, profile and shape (round or anatomical).

Currently, the FDA approves silicone gel breast implants manufactured by Allergan and Sientra for women aged 22 and over who seek breast augmentation or breast reconstructive surgery.

Most commonly, Dr. J utilizes highly cohesive gel (form stable) implants for breast augmentation, which are sometimes called “gummy bear” implants.  These form-stable implants have the purpose of making a longer lasting implant that maintains a more attractive and predictable shape.  As such, the the gel is less liquid-like and more solid-like than even today’s other cohesive silicone gel implants.  These implants are leak-free, have a more natural look and feel, maintain a more natural shape, and fewer instances of capsular contracture (scar tissue build up).

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Jejurikar will be happy to talk with you personally to address any of your questions or concerns.  Call 214-827-2814 to schedule a consultation with Dr. J. to discuss Silicone Breast Implants at our office located in Dallas, TX.

Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
9101 N Central Expy #600
Dallas, TX 75231



Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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