Vitamins, supplements and surgery – Be careful!

Vitamins, supplements and surgery – Be careful!

Nearly 1 of out 4 Americans takes some kind of herbal supplement. The majority of cosmetic surgery patients do not disclose that they take these over-the-counter supplements, most commonly because they don’t really consider these to be medications. While the health benefits of vitamins and other supplements can be tremendous, there can be unforeseen side effects of taking these medications. A variety of herbs, vitamins, and over-the-counter supplements have the potential to cause serious problems during your surgery and afterwards. 

Different herbal supplements have different effects on your body. Some cause excessive bleeding while others interfere with anesthesia or other medications you may need. Dr. Jejurikar stresses the importance of reporting your usage of all vitamins and herbal supplements that you take prior to cosmetic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery. 

The American Society of Anesthesiologists recommends that all patients stop taking herbal supplements at least two weeks before surgery, no matter the operation. They stress that, just because a medication is “natural” does not mean it is safe during surgery.

Dr. Jejurikar tells his patients that many herbal supplements, including aspirin, Vitamin E, St. John’s wort, ginkgo biloba, garlic, ginger, ginseng, and feverfew an cause increased bleeding during surgery. This increases the risk of blood loss, can increase postoperative bruising and swelling, and in the worst cases, can cause a hematoma, which is a collection of blood which may need to drained surgically.

A few of these supplements, such as ginseng are found in popular energy drinks and herbal teas. Because of this, Dr. Jejurikar recommends to his patients that they stop these 2 weeks prior to surgery as well.

Herbal supplements and vitamins to avoid prior to surgery include (in alphabetical order):

  • BROMELAIN – Take only after consulting with Dr. Jejurikar. Can be beneficial with postoperative bruising, but may cause postoperative bleeding 
  • DANSHEN – May cause bleeding
  • DONG QUAI – May cause bleeding
  • ECHINACEA – May interfere with immune functioning, which can affect healing
  • EPHEDRA – May cause abnormal heartbeat, extreme high blood pressure and coma if combined with certain antidepressants and anesthesia
  • EPHEDRINE comes from ephedra, also called ma huang, which has been implicated in heart attacks and strokes. It also causes the blood pressure to rise, and can cause bleeding 
  • FEVERFEW – May cause bleeding
  • GARLIC – May cause bleeding, may interfere with normal blood clotting
  • GINGER – May cause bleeding
  • GINKGO BILOBA — May cause bleeding
  • GINSENG – May cause bleeding, rapid heartbeat, hypertension
  • GOLDENSEAL – May cause or worsen swelling and hypertension
  • LICORICE (not including candy) – May cause postoperative hypertension
  • OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS – May cause bleeding if taken in doses greater than 3 grams a day
  • SENNA – May cause electrolyte imbalance
  • ST. JOHN’S WORT May diminish or enhance the effects of some drugs used during and after surgery
  • VALERIAN — May prolong the effects of anesthesia
  • VITAMIN E — Taking greater than 400 unites per day can result in increased postoperative bleeding

If you questions, or would like to schedule a consultation, call Dr. Sam Jejurikar’s Dallas or Plano office at 214-827-2814.


Breast augmentation and self esteem

As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sam Jejurikar tries not to over-emphasize the impact of cosmetic surgery procedures in shaping his patient’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is determined by many factors, most of which relate to innate mental health and external environmental factors. That being said, many patients undergo cosmetic surgery procedures to make themselves feel better about their personal appearance. With their increased confidence, they often develop improved self-esteem.

The medical literature demonstrates that breast augmentation boosts self-esteem. Researchers from the University of Florida reported that women usually experience significant increases in positive feelings about their sexuality after undergoing breast implant surgery. The authors state that, although plastic surgery does not cure all feelings of sexual inadequacy or poor self-worth, it is important for to understand the psychological benefits of breast augmentation.

According to an article published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (May 2013), nearly all women (98%) who underwent breast augmentation said the results met or exceeded their expectations. Dr. Eric Swanson, the plastic surgeon who conducted the study, also found that women also had improvements in quality of life and self-esteem after breast augmentation.

Ultimately, breast augmentation cannot fix all the problems in a patient’s life. If, however, self-esteem issues are the result of poor body image, breast augmentation may the solution. Call our office today at 214-827-2814 for a complimentary consultation.

Dr. J Introduces Dallas Brazilian Butt Lift Web Site

Dr. Jejurikar is proud to introduce his specialty Web site devoted to buttock augmentation. Given the dramatic rise in popularity of buttock augmentation in the last few years, both with implants and with fat (Dallas Brazilian Butt Lift), Dr. Jejurikar sought to develop an online resource which discusses all aspects of buttock augmentation in more detail.

Although not a replacement for a consultation with Dr. Jejurikar, his new specialty site,, is a comprehensive tool to consult prior to having surgery. Once you’re done perusing the site, call 214-827-2814 to schedule your consultation!


Dallas Laser Skin Resurfacing

If you have started to notice that your skin has a dull, tired or aged appearance, rest assured that there is a treatment available to dramatically improve your skin’s tone and texture!  Skin resurfacing laser treatments help minimize the appearance of brown spots and blotches caused by prolonged sun exposure, erase fine lines and wrinkles, and smooth surface scarring that can cause the skin to look old and haggard.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar performs skin resurfacing laser treatments on his patients at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute.  Results are seen in as early as 1-3 weeks and are maintained with regular SPF protection and limited sun exposure, as well as the proper daily skin care regimen.

To receive more information about laser skin resurfacing and to schedule a complementary consultation with Dr. Jejurikar at his Dallas or Plano office, please call 214-827-2814.

The Dallas Facelift with Dr. Sam Jejurikar

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, facelift is still considered the gold standard. Facelift, otherwise known as facial rhytidectomy, drastically improves signs of aging in the face and entails repositioning deep facial soft tissue and tightening the overlying skin. A Dallas facelift benefits the patient by creating a rested, more youthful appearance, and can increase self-confidence.

Dallas facelift surgeon Dr. Sam Jejurikar regularly performs other procedures in combination with facelift.  The most common procedures combined with a facelift include neck lift, brow lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), chin augmentation, lip augmentation, rhinoplasty, laser skin resurfacing, and Botox injection.  The advantages to the patient by adding additional procedures during a facelift are one recovery period while having multiple facial cosmetic concerns addressed.

Having facelift surgery is a big undertaking and patients should have specific, but realistic goals for the improvement of their appearance.  Undergoing a facelift requires at least 2-3 weeks of downtime and it is important that the patient has a reliable support system to aid her or him in recovery.  The patient should be physically healthy and not smoking prior to surgery.  It is imperative that patients follow the facelift pre and post operative instructions given by Dr. Jejurikar to ensure optimal surgical results.

Patients will experience swelling, bruising, and numbness in the first few days following facelift surgery.  Bromelain Sulfate and Arnica Montana, taken in one convenient formula called Arnica Forte, and multi-vitamins can help minimize swelling and bruising quickly after surgery.  The patients can also expect bandages to be placed around the face post-operatively to minimize swelling and bruising.  There will also be stitches along the incisions, and dressings around other areas of the face and neck if additional procedures have been performed.

Facelift and other facial cosmetic surgery can substantially reverse and slow down the aging process.  With proper postoperative care, the results can be spectacular and well worth the experience!  For more information and to book a consultation with Dr. Jejurikar at Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, please contact his office at 214-827-2814.

Effective nonsurgical treatment of wrinkles is a reality!

Wrinkles may be a sign of character, but more often than not, are an unwelcome sign of aging. While most people want treatment of their wrinkles, they often times don’t have time for surgery and the downtime that accompanies it. Minimal to no downtime treatments are available to help improve pesky wrinkles. While these treatments may not be as dramatic as invasive surgical procedures, they are highly effective. Some of these treatments include:

Skin rejuvenation creams – Many great product are out there, but if you have to choose one, Dr. Jejurikar recommends TNS Essential Serum, made by SkinMedica. This product is a potent mixture of antioxidants, skin brighteners, and growth factors to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and the overall tone and texture of skin.

Retinol creams – These creams are Vitamin A derivatives and are highly effective in improving the appearance of fine lines, aging and sun-damaged skin.

Lasers – Low down-time lasers, known as nonablative lasers, are highly effective in improving the early signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles and dull skin. Clear + Brilliant is the newest laser from the Fraxel family of lasers; it’s a virtually no-down time laser designed for patients in their 20s and 30s. To learn more about this and other lasers, visit the EpiCentre laser technology page.

Botox and fillers – When injected into the muscles of the upper third of the face, Botox and Dysport blocking the chemical signals that cause muscles to contract. The result is elimination of dynamic wrinkles and smooth skin. Results typically last from three to four months. Soft tissue fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm plump and smooth wrinkles to give the skin more volume; it’s particularly effective for marionette lines (nasolabial folds) and when used to plump the lips.

Liposuction causes fat reduction without fat redistribution

A study from the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery investigating the lasting effects of liposuction on the bodies of cosmetic surgery patients has concluded that fat cells do not return following an operation. The results state that, following a liposuction procedure, fat cells do not return to the area of the body that was treated. Neither do fat cells get redistributed to areas that were not treated during surgery. The results follow a separate study, carried out last year, that said that within one year of liposuction being carried out, fat cells move to untreated areas of the body, especially the abdomen, shoulders and arms. According to author Dr. Eric Swanson, the new study, which looked at 301 liposuction patients, found no evidence of fat regrowth in treated areas of the arms, abdomen, or lower body, or any indication of fat being redistributed. Dr Swanson said: “Previous studies have evaluated small numbers of patients and used imprecise measuring techniques, limiting their power to reliably detect changes. Our study included a sufficient number of patients and used precise measurements, making the conclusions highly reliable. Patients can be reassured that their improvements will last and they need not worry about putting weight back on disproportionately.”

Sedentary women may gain deep abdominal fat after liposuction

The body essentially stores fat in two compartments: deep and superficial. Superficial fat lies in the space between the skin and muscle layers and is commonly targeted with liposuction. Deep fat, otherwise known as visceral fat, surrounds the abdominal organs. It cannot be targeted with liposuction and is generally thought to be unhealthier than the fat that lies just below the skin. Deep fat is closely correlated with Diabetes and heart disease, unlike superficial fat.

A new study out of Brazil looked at 36 women who underwent abdominal liposuction, all of whom had been sedentary prior to the procedure. Half of the women started an aerobic exercise regimen after surgery, whereas the other half maintained their sedentary lifestyle. Four months after surgery, all of the women had flatter tummies, but those who remained sedentary experienced on average a 10% increase in deep fat. Those who began aerobic exercise did not experience an increase in visceral fat.

In the U.S., about 204,700 people underwent liposuction in 2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Based on this study, and clinical experience, it’s important to remember that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity. Staying active after surgery is the key to maintaining optimal results.

To learn more about liposuction, or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Jejurikar’s office at 214-827-2814.

Woman fakes cancer to get Breast Augmentation

Mesa, Arizona

A woman faked having breast cancer so she could have her breasts augmented, according to police In Mesa, Arizona. Last year, the woman, 27-year-old Jami Toler, told her co-workers that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She allegedly claimed she would need a double mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with breast implants. Toler said the surgeries were going to cost nearly $8,000 and asked her friends and family to help raise the funds. According to police, her friends and family held fundraisers to raise the money, which was then deposited into her account.

It was only when Toler returned to work and couldn’t provide a doctor’s note for her medical leave that the staff became suspicious. Police examined her medical records which that did not indicate any form of cancer, but confirmed her breast augmentation. This week, police arrested Toler at her new job at a car dealership.

The things people will do for breast implants! Rather than lie about a terminal illness, take advantage of Dr. Jejurikar’s spring and summer special on breast implants (10% off surgeon’s fee). If money is tight, Dr. Jejurikar is pleased to work with Care Credit and other companies, which offer a range of financing options for breast augmentation and other cosmetic procedures. To learn more, contact his office at 214-827-2814.
Read more:

Dallas Chin Implant (Chin Augmentation) – the “Chinplant”

Have you ever thought about having a stronger, more chiseled chin? If so, you are not alone! Recent data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons revealed that chin implant placement (“chinplant”) is the fastest growing plastic surgery trend in the United States. This rapid increase in chin implant popularity has been seen in men, women, and all age groups. It’s thought that the increased popularity of chin implants is the result of increased usage of video chat technology, an aging baby boomer population and the perception that a weak chin impairs success in the workplace.

Chin augmentation is a relatively straightforward procedure. A small incision is generally made below the chin, allowing for placement of a solid implant. The procedure is usually done with the patient under anesthesia, though it can be done with some mild sedation.

To learn more about chin augmentation or other procedures, contact Dr. Sam Jejurikar of Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute at 214-827-2814.



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9101 N. Central Expwy.
Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 214-827-2814
Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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