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    Dr. Jejurikar's Blog

    If you are interested in having plastic surgery, it is important to understand the risks
    associated with surgery and to know if you’re an ideal candidate beforehand. The
    ideal surgical candidate is in overall good health, doesn’t smoke, is at a healthy
    weight and has reasonable expectations of the surgery’s outcome. It is important to
    understand that certain health conditions, medications, and smoking can cause
    problems with post-surgical healing, or could seriously increase the risk of
    complications after surgery.

    Nutrition: A well-balanced and healthy diet includes consuming plenty of fruits and
    vegetables along with protein-rich foods like lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs,
    cheese, nuts, tofu, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, and protein drinks. You should also
    drink at least 6 – 8, eight-ounce cups of water daily to keep your body well hydrated.
    Poor nutrition is linked to post-surgical infections, and diets too low in protein are
    associated with higher rates of post-surgical complications.

    Exercise: Regularly. Patients that do not take part in regular exercise have higher
    risks of cardiac complications during or after surgery and may experience an
    extended recovery period. Ideal candidates should be within 20% of their ideal
    weight. Otherwise, they run the risk of loose skin and compromising the benefits
    gained from plastic surgery if they lose weight post-operatively.

    Smoking: Smoking reduces blood flow and interferes with your body’s healing
    process. It can potentially cause wound healing complications, loss of skin and a
    slow recovery. Smoking also reduces your resistance to infections and can increase
    the incidence of pulmonary complications after anesthesia. It complicates lung
    function as well as cardiovascular health. Patients should not smoke for at least 4
    weeks prior to and 4 weeks after undergoing any surgical procedure.

    Alcohol: Use of alcohol may lead to post-surgical complications and infections.
    It particularly places you at high risk of developing a postoperative complication
    related to bleeding. You should follow Dr. Jejurikar’s guidelines regarding how long
    you should refrain from alcoholic beverages prior to and following your surgery.

    Medication & Herbal Supplements: Blood thinners, birth control pills and other
    medications and supplements can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during
    surgery as well as blood clots and pulmonary embolism after surgery. Per Dr.
    Jejurikar’s instruction, patients will need to stop taking their discussed medications;
    the timing varies on the particular medication. Abrupt withdrawal of some medication can
    lead to complications or health issues and should be discussed with Dr. J or the doctor
    who originally prescribed the medication.

    Diabetes: Blood sugar levels need to be under control before undergoing any
    surgical procedures. Elevated blood sugar from diabetes or pre-diabetes can
    contribute to poor healing and increases risk of infection of the surgical site.
    Keeping your blood sugar in control before, during and after your surgery will
    reduce risk of infection of the incisions and ensure better healing.

    High blood pressure (hypertension) cardiovascular or circulatory / heart
    conditions: These health issues may increase the risk of complications during
    surgery. Patients with these complications need to receive chest X-rays, lab tests,
    electrocardiograms and stress tests prior to their scheduled surgery.

    Emotionally healthy: Cosmetic patients need to be emotionally stable and have
    realistic expectations of the surgery’s outcome. Patients need to possess a strong
    emotional foundation to be equipped for their own reactions post-operatively, as
    well as those of others. Prior to surgery, patients should discuss realistic goals and
    expectations of the cosmetic procedures with Dr. Jejurikar.

    All patients have different circumstances that require distinct pre and post-surgical
    preparation. Choosing not to take the proper precautions before and after your
    cosmetic surgery can greatly increase the risk of problems associated with
    anesthesia, infection, bleeding or loss of skin during and after surgery. Dr. Jejurikar
    assesses each patient’s health and risks individually before recommending the best
    pre and post-operative surgical plan to ensure you have the best possible
    experience and outcome.

    If you have any questions about cosmetic surgery and would like to schedule your
    consultation with Dr. Jejurikar, please call his office at (214) 827-2814.

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    Our Location Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute

    9101 N. Central Expwy.
    Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231
    Tel: 214.827.2814
    Dallas | Dr. Jejurikar

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